I kept wondering why I never saw a bluebird. Ever. Not here or in New York. And I know they live here. But this morning I got up and looked out my back windows and the deck was full of bluebirds!

A good sign for Thanksgiving, isn’t it? Here are some of them.

Two bluebirds

Bluebird and Chickadee

And the Chickadee is about to take off!

Bluebird on the fence rail

Categories: #Birds, #Birds, #Photography, celebration, Marilyn Armstrong, Wildlife

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12 replies

  1. I’ve never seen birds of that color scheme before. I’ve seen a blue jay, but not that blue and orange look. I guess I always assumed bluebirds were just blue.


    • The Blue Bunting is solid blue, even a little darker than the Bluebird. I’ve seen lots of pictures of bluebirds but never seen one in the feather before. You always see them in children’s books, but a flock on my deck was very lovely.


  2. How lovely, what a nice surprise. I’ve never seen one. I don’t think we have them but we do have the lovely blue fairy-wrens. I used to see them in the garden sometimes in Geeveston and since arriving here have been delighted to spot some hopping around in the back garden. As soon as I get a chance I’m going to start doing some backyard bird watching as we have a lot of trees in the garden.


  3. I have never seen a bluebird, beautiful birds


  4. The Bluebird of Happiness that is something to be thankful for….

    Liked by 1 person


  1. BLUE BIRDS OF HAPPINESS – Marilyn Armstong — Serendipity Seeking Intelligent Life on Earth – Sarah's Attic Of Treasures