I am often up around dawn, but I rarely take pictures. Today, though, the sky was alight with a glorious bright dawn. Then, a few hours later, I got more birds.

Hope you enjoyed your holidays.

Christmas dawn

Greetings to all!

The ever-present gift of food


On a beautiful morning in winter

Categories: #Birds, #Photography, Christmas, Dawn, Marilyn Armstrong, Wildlife

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15 replies

  1. I couldn’t do this for years. Small children, mouthy dogs … but now life is all grown up, so I can leave the cameras ready-to-go on the table by the window.


  2. Lovely morning photos.


  3. The colours are stunning.


  4. What a glorious dawn. Very quiet Christmas so far, youngest sis in hospital since Monday, but we‘re living in peace, at least. I never was ‚into birds‘, but I am taking an ever increasing interest and your captures are often no less than magnificent. Is one of your feeders deformed or is it just a photographic trick?


    • Deformed. I don’t know whether it just bounced hard off the deck or raccoons got it, but it keeps falling. Today I had to reshape the top with a couple of pliers because it wasn’t round. I sort of rounded it, but I need a new bird feeder. I just don’t have the money right now.


  5. The first thing I do in the morning is to look if I have a dawn photo.We have had too much rain lately for anything like a sunrise. That is a great photo you have there and a good action flight.


    • It’s the first nice sunrise I’ve seen in MONTHS. We’ve had the same weather you’re having. A lot of gray days, Sometimes so gray it looks like night in mid-afternoon. Rain. Snow. Sleet. Warm. Cold. Warm. Cold. And a lot of MUD.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. It is a beautiful dawn!


    • We used to get a lot more of them, but the weather has changed. We get a couple of cold days, then the next day, it’s 60 degrees. You never know what’s coming, so I saw the lights in the sky and figured I should take the picture. Who knows when there will be another chance?

      Liked by 1 person

      • A beautiful catch!


        • Keeping my cameras next to the windows helps too. I don’t have to go hunting for a camera. They are right there all the time. No small kids to worry about. I can leave things out and other than the occasional theft of something the Duke favors, things stay where I put them. Mostly. Assuming I remember where I put them 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

          • I always admire your skill in taking such wonderful pictures. It would help when the camera is ready and always at hand.
