The shedding was killing us. It was in Garry’s hearing aid, in every piece of clothing, on the surface of all our furniture. Brushing wasn’t doing it, so I saved up money for the past few weeks and we got him groomed. We never had him clipped before, probably because he’s a pretty clean dog. But, in the past year his coat filled out and under the fur, it would appear that The Duke has filled out. Suddenly our flying dog has a big fat belly.

He’s lucky I cropped out his gut.

So the Duke is on a diet. He is not going to like this one little bit. I expect it’s going to be a battle with the Duke barking a frequent and frenzied urgent need for more food. Now. Right now. Because he is starving. It’s gonna get ugly.

You can see a bit more of him. I was trying to take his picture and he was being very stubborn. He wanted a snack. I wasn’t delivering. Some dogs don’t like dieting. Other dogs? They really HATE dieting. Duke is one of the latter.

Categories: #animals, #Photography, Anecdote, dogs, Pets, Portrait

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15 replies

  1. Awww, how can you deny that poor face another treat or five? Reminds me of a 21 pound cat I know who would testify (if he could speak) that he’s kept on a starvation diet. El Duque does look quite handsome with the trim…


  2. A handsome boy, either way:)


  3. He looks so neat and tidy. He just needs to trim down at the waistline.


  4. LOOOOOL – nope, he’s not a happy chappy. My dachsie was the same – begging forever, and giving me hours of grievance when she didn’t get her way (= food, bikkies, treats, even slices of carrot were accepted in those dire times!)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Just to be difficult, he’s also PICKY about treats. Now, my theory is that picky dogs who want new and better treats — he won’t eat any of the “homemade healthy” snacks, but he’s also picky about the commercial ones. I figure he’s not going to get snacks if he can’t be more of a dog about it. And I realized he isn’t absorbing the dry food we are give him, so I am changing back to the food he used to get before I tried experimenting. It isn’t delicious (or so he says), but it kept all our dogs healthy for years, so he will eat it or go hungry. Which will improve his diet!

      A dieting dog is s total wimp/whiner/barker and aggravating dog. I have found playing with him distracts him, but in a tug of war, he ALWAYS wins. He is stronger than me. He doesn’t LOOK that strong! Maybe I’m just weak?

      Liked by 2 people

      • Duke — outside, he looks cuter, younger. Inside – he is still the whack job who took over management of the Bates Motel. I’m not deceived.


  5. He’s not happy!


  6. He probably can’t understand why you have suddenly become so hard hearted. That face, “You’ll be sorry when I’ve died of starvation.”

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