FOTD – December 28 – Dandelion

Dandelions, the flower ever suburban homeowner is trying to eradicate. I have a secret fondness for dandelions. They were the first flowers I ever met “in the wild.” I learned to make necklaces from dandelions. I learned to make wishes and blow them into the wind. I pull them out after they have bloomed and made their seeds, but I give them their time in the sun first.

Kaitlin and dandelion


Categories: #gallery, #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge, Flower of the day, wildflowers

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17 replies

  1. You can eat them too. I’ve seen them sold as plants at the store.


  2. I so adore dandelions too!! Great photos 😀


    • In the early spring, our back lawn becomes completely covered with violets and dandelions. It only lasts for a few days, but it’s lovely. Even though we never have any real grass. Personally, I think grass is overrated 😀


  3. A dandy post, Marilyn!


  4. Awe I love dandelions! I love making wishes by blowing the seeds!


  5. I love dandelions (at least partly because they’re a food plant). T has been on a major eradication drive, which I think is such a shame as the bees love them too.


    • They aren’t beautiful and if you are one of those people who believe ones lawn should look like a putting green, well, you can’t stop them in their endless hunt to exterminate the Dandies. I’m not a golfer and I think flat green lawns are overrated, but to each his/her own I suppose. Yes, the bees really DO love them. There’s bee in at least one of my pictures. I wasn’t shooting for the bee. He just photo-bombed the picture.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I think T’s objection is mainly that he doesn’t like the feel of the leaves on his bare feet.

        I dislike lawns because there are so many more useful things that can be grown in an area — like food, and shelter trees, and pretty much anything that birds and insects love.


        • You’d love our yard. It has EVERYTHING — except grass!

          Tell T there’s always a choice. You can NOT walk barefoot! Keeps your little feet cleaner, too.

          Liked by 1 person

          • I would love it!

            I’ve been suggesting shoes for over 30 years (sigh), but he seems to think walking around barefoot is part of his Kiwi identity. Which to be fair, is partly true and I do it too — just not so much since I burned my feet crossing hot tarmac a few years ago.
