Some birds are naturals for monochrome. Blackbirds, white birds, birds with sharply defined colors in their feathers do very well. I’ve had a lot of luck with gulls and swans and other seabirds, many of which are mostly white or some combination of white with with black or gray markings. 

Categories: #Birds, #black-&-white-photography, #gallery, #Photography, Nature, Wildlife

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12 replies

  1. Many beautiful photos here!! 💙💚


  2. Great use of contrast in these images. Wonderful gallery of birds! The Downy seems to just pop off the screen! Probably my favorite of this set. 🙂


    • Thank you!!

      Many of my favorite bird pictures are woodpeckers. They have such crisp, sharp coloring. The downy and hairy — despite looking like a matched set — are unrelated but both of them make great photographs. They were born for black and white 🙂

      For me, the hard part is I’m always shooting through a small pane of glass and avoiding getting the little wood strips between panes. This occasionally requires intricate positioning and camera angling. I have also learned — the hard way — NOT to shoot in the morning (unless it’s cloudy or raining or snowing) because the sun is too bright and all I get are sharp shadows and a lot of glare which sometimes looks like fog. I have to wait until two or three in the afternoon. Squirrels are easier. There is more squirrel to shoot 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • The hairy and downy are so similar except the size. We get excited when we see the hairy because it is uncommon here. 😊


        • We hardly saw the hairy at all until a few of our trees got some got some kind of insect infestation, probably one of the boring beetles. All of a sudden, we had a LOT of woodpeckers. Hairy and Downy, Red-belly and Pileated. They love those sickly trees. I think they actually saved the life of one of the trees near the house. The Hairy woodpeckers were all over it last summer and whenever it was warmer during the winter. Sometimes there were three or four working on it at the same time. For a while, it looked like there was no bark on the tree, but now all the bark has grown back and the tree looks healthy. Saved by Hairy Woodpeckers.

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  1. Bird Weekly Round-Up – Week #40 – Our Eyes Open