FOTD – June 8 – The Bi-Annual Mowing

We don’t mow, or more to the point, we very rarely mow. We don’t mow because we have a lot of wildlife and they like a natural environment and usually, so do I. But, twice annually, we mow, cut, and clip. If we don’t, we get so overgrown, it becomes impossible to cut back later in the season. We also need to keep the tick population in check. Ticks love tall grass.

After leaving it alone for a year, this is our best-ever lawn. Neglect, or as I like to call it, non-intervention, can be healthy

We also hoped we might be able to breathe a little better if we cleared away some of the grasses that are currently covering everything in green pollen.

These little guys climb as fast as squirrels but don’t jump

It was time to do some mowing and cutting. We had dozens of baby trees lining the driveway. We need to keep that space open along the driveway so we can turn the cars. We also need to keep it open because in winter when we plow, snow has to go somewhere. If we didn’t cut them down now while they are small, they’d be too thick to clip with the hedge shears.

Between the flower boxes on the deck and the wildflowers in the gardens and around the steps, we have a lot of flowers. I didn’t have time to process all the pictures, so there is more to come. Tomorrow is another day.

Categories: #chipmunk, #Flowers, #FOTD, Anecdote, Cee's Photo Challenge, Flower of the day, wildflowers

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9 replies

  1. Absolutely gorgeous flowers. I love your squirrel photo too ;D


    • Ah, the little chipmunk. Until a few days ago, I didn’t know those little stripy guys (they are the first cousins of squirrels) could climb trees until I saw one skitter up a tree at warp speed. They don’t have the ability to leap from branch to branch like squirrels and they are less than half the size of even a small squirrel, but they have a sort of fluffy-ish tail and they sure do EAT like squirrels.


  2. Lovely flowers Marilyn.


  3. Beautiful as always, Marilyn. 💕


  4. You’ve a beautiful place
