As is typical, when one of us is taking pictures, there are two of us. And so it was yesterday, the first really hot day of 2023. And make no mistake, it was really hot. Hot and dry, which is not the kind of heat we normally get. We are all about humidity around here, so usually if it’s hot, it’s humid and the air feels like steam.

The trees look pretty in pink

It was well into the 90s all day, but we waited until after four before we went out to shoot. The light is less intense by then and the air is cooler. I think — if it doesn’t rain — we’ll visit the dam in the middle of town next time and after that, head down into Rhode Island. We will keep track of how spring is coming along here in the northeast.

Categories: #BlackstoneRiver, #Flowers, #FOTD, canal, Cee's Photo Challenge, Flower of the day, Spring, Trees

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2 replies

  1. The colors you captured! Oh my! What a beautiful day we had. It was great getting out there. We needed an airing — both of us!


    • What a nice surprise! An early summer day after our winter of discontent. Yes, it was nice to get out, spend time in our beautiful environs and see others enjoying a gift wrapped day from Mother Nature.

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