Come Sleep, O Sleep …

Come, Sleep! O Sleep, the certain knot of peace,
The baiting-place of wit, the balm of woe,
The poor man’s wealth, the prisoner’s release,
The indifferent judge between the high and low;
With shield of proof shield me from out the press
Of those fierce darts
Despair at me doth throw!
Oh, make in me those civil wars to cease!—
I will good tribute pay if thou do so.
Take thou of me smooth pillows, sweetest bed,
A chamber deaf of noise and blind of light,
A rosy garland, and a weary head;
And if these things, as being thine in right,
Move not thy heavy grace, thou shalt in me,
Livelier than elsewhere, Stella’s image see.

Sir Philip Sidney

Note 1: If you are reading this sonnet out loud, “press” in Elizabethan English was pronounced “preese” to rhyme with release. Or anyway, that’s what they told me in college.

Dedicated to all our noisy, joyfully barking dogs from Divot to Duke and all in between. They woke me up, they woke up the neighbors, they howled at dawn and I loved them madly.

– – –

Note 2: If your dogs bark all night, one day you’ll be so tired, you’ll sleep through it. That’s a promise!

Categories: #Photography, Books, dogs, Marilyn Armstrong, Pets, Poetry, Scottish Terrier

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12 replies

  1. Mine woke me up at 5:42am because he needed to take a shit. And his royal majesty wouldn’t just do it on the grass down stairs. No! He had me put on pants and some sandals and walk his furry ass all over the apartment complex so he could finally get the inspiration to do his insane crab dance, in which he finds the most uncomfortable position to crap, usually near a thorny bush (cause he loves that). And push out……a nugget. A tiny piece of crap that wouldn’t have bothered me. But sure did it bother him. After all that he went back upstairs and slept like a baby. I sure as hell didn’t.


  2. Your pictures are all adorable. I’ve always loved dogs, especially furry ones and ones like my Puppy Girl, who had no fur. Puppy Girl only barked when someone came to the door. Our neighbors’ dogs love to bark at us and are not super friendly looking or acting, and they are BIG. So I don’t pay too much attention to them. Your dogs are exactly the kinds of dogs I would love to love.


    • We got them at various ages from Bonnie at 8 weeks to Gibbs at 9 years. Most were a few months old, but the show dogs (three of them were ring champions and Duke was a stud dog) we got when they proved infertile or were too old to do their thing. For a long time, we got dogs from breeders. They knew us, we were safe, sane, and wouldn’t do anything bad to a dog. But gradually, all our dogs got old. Just a few months after we got the Duke, both Scotties died. Duke went to sleep on the sofa and never woke up and Bonnie’s canine Alzheimer’s got so she didn’t know who we were, much less where she was. It’s good to know when it’s time to give up a fight you can’t win.

      I’m also a furry mid-size dog person. I admire big dogs, but I don’t want one. When I was a lot younger I had a couple of Afghans, but since then, we’ve stuck with the large end of small to mid-size.

      But I miss them. All of them. It’s hard to know who I miss most. Also, I miss having a “gang” of dogs.

      Liked by 1 person

      • My brother and his wife always have a gang. She shows them at agility meets. He walks and feeds them. We are more one at a time dog family. I doubt if we will get another, though.


        • That is where we are at now too. We have always had at least two, maximum five dogs and occasionally an uncounted number, some of whom were in transit between homes and we were the interim. But I think Duke will be the last. I don’t think we are up to dealing with more, not physically or financially.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Financially is the main factor for us. We spent $2,000 on Nutter Butter trying to find out what was wrong with him and we should have put him down sooner, but the vets kept trying to get us to do more tests. After six months of diarrhea one kind vet finally said, “You’ve done all you could do if he didn’t have cancer. I think he has cancer since he’s lost half his body weight since we saw him the first time. I don’t treat cats who have cancer.”

            That gave us a lot of comfort and didn’t cost us an additional $2,000 on top of the two we’d already spent. Puppy Girl had her teeth cleaned and some moles removed, and three weeks later had grand mal seizures. A different vet told about the treatment options and after questioning that she wasn’t going to get better, the treatments didn’t always work, and she would lose her personality and not even know us after a while. We put her down. There went another $2,000 a month after Nutter Butter died. I had it in my mind that PG would live a healthy life for another 7 years or so after she got her basic necessities cleaned up. Losing them was such an emotional loss that I don’t think I want to subject myself to another dog, for sure. We have one more cat, but she is young – just 5. She will probably outlive us. 🙂


  3. One of my next-door neighbors has a beagle. She (the dog not the neighbor) knows when I’m working in my backyard and comes to the fence barking for me to go to ‘our spot’ so I can tickle her nose and she can lick my hand.
    At night, she howls at the critters and makes sure all is safe before her owner finally gets her back inside. I just love it!
