Suddenly I realized that the camera alone will frustrate me even more because I currently have no way to move photos from a card to a blog. Even the most basic software is on my computer. The Wi-Fi here barely has enough bandwidth to hook up my phone. I just figured out how to turn it on and while I have a tablet here, the tablet has no software or a slot for a card or so much as a plug for a widget.

With all our technological advances, I can’t even move a photo. ARGHH!!

HOWEVER Garry will bring the camera and Owen will bring my computer. Owen figures between the two of us, surely we can make this work.

And please don’t call me Shirley!!

Categories: #Photography, Cameras, Hospital, Mental health, Technology, Wi-Fi, You can't make this stuff up

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10 replies

  1. Probably of no use to you at this moment but something to note for the future – I have an inexpensive little device (bought on Amazon I believe) which takes either a micro card or SD card and has options to plug into a laptop or tablet so you can download photos. I take it away with me so I can back-up all my photos to my tablet and share a few on my blog while away.


  2. That was my dilemma on holidays. I had a camera but no way to transfer photos to the tablet. I ended up taking a few photos with my phone everyday because they were saved to Google Photos. I could then use the tablet to blog and have access to the pictures. I had paid for wi fi because I knew I would want to post about the trip daily. Fortunately the service was good enough.
    I am glad you are feeling well enough to want to blog. It’s not the same without you even though Garry and Rich are doing a fantastic job of covering for you and keeping everyone updated on how you are.


    • I’m bored to near insanity. It made me realize why I started blogging. Next week will be surgery so I figured I should say something although mostly it’s reruns. Doctor is here. News maybe?

      Liked by 1 person

  3. best of luck to your trio


  4. What a lovely photo. I’m glad you’re keeping up with your blog.


  5. That is my favorite movie line that I use every chance I get!
