For those of you who have never encountered a sketchbook, it’s basically a diary with drawings. Your drawing. You carry it wherever you go and when you see something, you draw a picture in your book and maybe also write some words about it, what you were thinking, what the day is like, maybe even your mood. Yesterday was the first time I actually tried drawing and here are the results.

I was encouraged by my first little drawing of dried ivy leaves, so I decided to try a bird. Clearly I need to do a lot more work. I got the roundness right. Our Cardinals look like tennis balls with beaks. They are big eaters.

Despite my Cardinal looking like it was drawn by a third-grader, I decided to move along to the “fruit drawing with highlights” — the final stage of that lesson. I grabbed our last remaining apple.

An apple — much better than my bird!

This was the first time I drew something and tried to make it look “3D.” I got the top indent of the apple and it’s the first time I’ve done that. It’s a breakthrough!

And that was lesson one. Technically it was lesson three, but I didn’t count the introduction and discussion of how to lay out the book so you’ll like how it looks. I’m still not happy with my “book design,” but I have time to work on it.

Categories: #gallery, #Photography, #Sketchbook, Arts

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3 replies

  1. Naomi did the draw an apple exercise when she was first learning to draw. She set up her easel in her shed, got an apple and started work.
    She had to leave it for a while and came back to find the apple was missing. One of the cats must have knocked it down and Teddy, who was a puppy then grabbed it. By the time Naomi found it he had eaten halt of it. The picture was never finished.


  2. Your cardinal is wonderful!
