We always think of this song as “lovers” or at the least relationships. How about our whole country. If we aren’t a gigantic chain of fools, I don’t know what else you could call us.

As a nation, we are a multi-million heap forming a giant chain of fools. Look at who we elect. Look at what we let them get away with. We think they are stupid, but how about us dancing to their tune. Maybe we should make this our national anthem. At least we could dig the beat.

Categories: lyrics, Music, Politics, You Tube

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12 replies

  1. Definitely digging the beat! Sorry Americans have bowed down to the stupidity of some politicians who shall remain nameless, because to name them causes me to vomit!


  2. I do love that song. There is a great version of it in the film “The Commitments” too.
    I sit and watch newsclips from US TV stations and YouTubers who comment on the news every day and every day I become more concerned at what is happening over there. I only follow a fraction of the news stories so I’m sure I haven’t heard the half of it.
    I really worry about how my US friends will make out if you know who actually wins the election. What kind of country will it be then?


    • Nothing is forever. Jon Stewart recently reminded us that regardless, the world goes on and even the worst of the bad guys will pass. It IS horrible what’s going on. Trump is America’s Stalin. Except he doesn’t have anyone to follow him nor does the Republican party have the kind of power or people who would, could, or even WANT to follow him. I’m more worried about what will happen to our climate while we’re worrying about party politics.

      Obsessive worrying about things I cannot change won’t do me or my world any good. It bothers me a lot, but I can’t let it ruin my life. I still have to figure out where we will get the money to put a new roof on the house.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I don’t obsess over it. I have a life to live. I am not the optimist I used to be though.


        • Optimism seems a bit misplaced. I think most people I know have lost the optimism that was always a part of their lives. We look around us — not only at OUR country, but internationally. It’s such a godawful mess. But I’m not going to waste whatever time I have left brooding over it.

          Liked by 1 person

  3. Nobody walks away …
    There’s a court where there are no lawyers.
