FOTD – March 23 – Early Easter Lilies

Three days ago, we stopped at the grocery. They were displaying many pots of Easter lilies. I found a nice healthy plant and brought it home. The price was right and I was just in time to watch it begin to open.

A mere two days ago, these flowers were closed. By the end of that day, one flower had begun to open. By the following morning, a second had flowered. Now, three of what appear to be five buds are open and the other two are fat and healthy. Easter is at the end of March this year, so the lilies are right on time.

Lilium longiflorum, the flower we know as the Easter lily, originally comes from Taiwan and Ryukyu Islands. The white lily traditionally symbolizes purity, rebirth, new beginnings and hope. In non-Christian and pagan traditions, the Easter lily was associated with motherhood and was given as a thank you gift to mothers.

Categories: #Flowers, #FOTD, #gallery, #Photography, Anecdote, Cee's Photo Challenge, Flower of the day, lily

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9 replies

  1. I love these, and when our cats chewed on them we had to take all the cats to the vet since we did not know who eaten them, and they ALL had to have their stomachs pumped, and the one with the plant matter in it had to stay there for a week or two on IV and survived.

    Lovely, but we can’t have them indoors anymore–


    • I remember when we had cats having to worry about them chewing on the plants. Even some of the dogs likes to munch on plants. Duke (luckily) has no interest in them, so I don’t have to keep a mental list of dangerous vs safe flowers. A lot of people are allergic to those lilies or hate their smell. To me, they basically don’t have any scent and I’m allergic to everything else. I might not even notice one more allergy.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Beautiful flowers and wonderful photos of them, especially that first ‘profile’ shot ❤ I love your drawings too!


    • Thank you and thank you again. It has been stormy and rainy all week, so I get my practice trying to figure out how to take more interesting pictures of the same things. I am encouraged by remembering that many legendary early photographers did the same thing, chronicling vegetables or one particular scene.

      It might stop raining tomorrow. It’s about time. It has been pouring since last night. It’s all mud outside.

      Liked by 1 person

      • The sun keeps teasing us. When we got up soon after 7 today we had blue sky and sunshine and we were planning a walk despite the cold wind. By the time we’d finished breakfast that wind had blown in dark clouds and it’s now threatening rain 😦


  3. Love lilies, and glad yours are blooming, must be so nice to see!
