“VERY INSPIRING BLOGGER AWARD” – An honor and a privilege …

Very Inspiring Blogger award

First of all, thank you to Bette Stevens of  4WRITERSANDREADERS who has honored me with the Very Inspiring Blogger Award.

This means a lot to me. As I go about my daily life, paying bills, figuring out how we’re going to get through another month that contains more bills than money, as I watch my family struggle and grope toward solutions … and nobody is the interested in anything I might have to say on the matter … I ponder how the people who know us best are the most likely to ignore us.

Not like this is unusual or rare. It probably wasn’t a new concept when it found its way into the gospels.

Jesus himself had testified that a prophet has no honor in his own hometown: John 4:44. 

I guess it’s not especially surprising if we are taken more seriously by virtual strangers than we are at home, in the bosom of our family. Or at least in the bosom of mine.

It is the great gift of blogging that we can give our best to anyone willing to read our posts. In the semi-anonymity of our cyber lives, we offer everyone the things we love, the things that excite and fascinate us … as well as what we’ve learned, knowledge painfully learned … and hope someone will benefit. I’m sure I’m not the only one who began blogging as a way of sharing with a larger community. Maybe someone can benefit from our mistakes and avoid the missteps that have cost us dearly. Perhaps we’ll make someone laugh, open a window on something beautiful, inspire someone to read a book, take a picture, watch a movie or just think about something they’d otherwise never consider. A single idea, an unexpected image or concept can change a life and a changed life can change the world. We hope. And so, we share.

Inspiration is strange, unpredictable. A book I’m reading, a TV show, blogs, current events, sunlight filtering through leaves, watching snowflakes drift by my window, knowing my car is stuck at the bottom of the driveway until the snow melts. Being grateful we shopped yesterday and didn’t put it off another day. Glad I have a computer and a high-speed connection so I can remain part of the world when just a few decades ago, our age and my disabilities would have condemned me to isolation.

Being told that I’m an inspiration is an inspiration. It means someone hears me. I’m infinitely grateful. It’s a validation and a reward. We all need that, at least sometimes. It keeps us going when so often if feels like we are shouting into an empty space.Guy Williams as Zorro

All of you in my blogging community inspire me. I read your stories. Your pictures make me think about new ways to capture my world. I marvel at the complex lives we’ve lives, the obstacles we overcome, the problems we deal with every day, how strong we are and how amazing it is that we find reasons to rejoice despite hard times and harder choices.

The rules of this award are:

  • Display the award logo on your blog
  • Link back to the person who nominated you.
  • Tell us at least seven things about yourself that you would like to share.
  • Nominate other bloggers for this award and link to them. I am not going to set a specific number. I know how difficult it can be to keep coming up with dozens of new nominees and rather than burden you all with the requirement to find in a single batch quite so many bloggers to whom you have not already passed on a variety of awards, I will suggest that as you find worthy blogs that you would like to honor, that you pass the honor to them and allow them to also pass the honor along as they find honor worthy recipients.
  • Notify your chosen bloggers of their nomination and the award’s requirements.

Seven things about myself are:

  1. I am a born researcher. If something catches my interest, I will keep digging at it until I feel I’ve learned everything I can about it, whether it’s breeds of dogs, building tepees, or medieval history.
  2. My hair started to turn gray when I was 20 and was almost completely great by the time I was 30.
  3. I’ve always had a lot of dogs, cats, ferrets, parrots and occasionally even stranger critters in my world, but love them though I do, I never got to own a horse.
  4. I have a “thing” for masked men and had a massive crush on Zorro when I was a teenage girl.
  5. When I gave up on Zorro, I fell even more passionately in love with Marlon Brando.
    Marlon Brando in a screenshot from the trailer...
  6. My first car was a 1977 Ford Pinto in British Racing Green. I thought it was very hot.
  7. I used to be able to recite the entire family tree of the British Royal Family from Willy the Conqueror to Queen Liz II.  I thought it was quite an achievement, but no one was impressed but me.

My nominees (the envelope please):

Chiquero: Nothing But An Induced Epidemic

A barbaric YAWP across the Web:  A tale of life, love and laughter; sometimes poignant, sometimes funny but always meaningful.

THE WORD ON THE .NET ~ Writer T. James’ Exploration of Words, on the Internet.

Sunday Night Blog:  A WordPress.com site by Rich Paschall

Cowbelly Pet Photography: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Woofs

Top Secret Writers

I know a couple of you are repeat awardees. It is not my fault that I like your stuff. If you would stop inspiring me, writing so well that I feel obliged to improve my work, making me think, laugh, and want to take better pictures, I’d stop giving you awards.

For my friends to whom I’ve already give several awards (you know who you are!) and who live in fear of getting another, well, you will be hearing from me. Don’t think I’ve forgotten you. Just because I skipped you this time doesn’t mean I’m not gonna getcha on the next wave! I’ve got a lot of awards to pass along, so you all know who you are. Start collecting nominees … you will need them!

Categories: #Blogging, #Writing

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16 replies

  1. Thank you so much Teepee, it means a lot to us!!
    Cheers and lots of love from Brazil


  2. Thank you! Sometimes, I love what I find on the blogosphere… it’s folks like you who remind me how wonderful people can be!


    • Blogging has indeed reminded me that there are so many great and talented people in this world! It IS inspirting! And heartening, too.


  3. Marilyn, thank you very much for the blog award. I will work on my “acceptance” post soon (I hope). You are one of the most prolific blog writers I know and the range of topics you cover is quite incredible. Your humanity, common sense, passion and wit makes reading your post a joy and your blog a breath of fresh air. Keep up the excellent work.


  4. Hi, Teepee. It’s me, again. What a great post. It gave me lots to ponder and put a smile on my face… Enjoyed learning more about you: I, too, had a crush on ZORRO! Best wishes and happy holidays! Keep blogging…. Bette


  5. Thanks for the mention. It means a lot to me. I have to get myself into award mode and start passing out sweets and inspiration. I have some candidates from blogs I regularly read. My reading, however, is like my writing, all over the place. I must gather up my lists. You are an inpiration and today was my chance to read back through some of your recent posts. Love them all!


    • Thanks back at you. I’m running at least 3 awards behind … I know that dealing with these is both an honor and time consuming. That’s why I tend to not require everyone come up with so many people to pass them tp. I like to give awards to bloggers I *really *read and enjoy … and there are only so many hours in a day and days in a week … I love your posts. You are a deliciously clever wordsmith and a pleasure to read.


  6. Congratulations on the latest award!! Your blogs certainly touch the lives of many other people who in turn open new windows on the world for you.


  7. Awesome blog! And I am so impressed you took the time to remember the British Royal Family, I can barely remember my own family tree!

    Zorro Rocks, but then so does Bunny Wiggelsworth, just in a ‘different’ way.

    Have enjoyed seeing things from in your bootsies, and will be back.

    Thank you, fellow blogger-inspirer-animal lover-masked man infatuation sharer!

    Robin from Scenick Viewz


  8. Well, I never have to say “huh” at any of YOUR posts. Sometimes, you remind me a lot of me. After you’ve said it, I realize there’s no point in my saying it again: I can’t improve on it! You ARE inspiring.



  1. Very Inspiring Blogger… the awards! « A barbaric YAWP across the Web