I used to be the Entertainment Queen of my crowd. It more than 40 years ago, but I was the hostess with the mostest. I fed the hungry, housed the homeless, cheered up the downhearted. I rescued cats, dogs, and lost people. No living creature was ever turned away. It got crowded.



One day, I realized I didn’t want to do it anymore. I wanted some privacy. I didn’t want to clean up the mess or cook gigantic meals. I was tired of spending all my money on other people. The crowd that assembled nightly in my living room weren’t really friends. I had become a facility. A place to crash. Where there was always music, food, something to smoke and probably a good conversation and a sofa.

So I started locking my front door and asked people call before showing up. About half the crowd never came back … and I never missed them. Others drifted off in the course of time. A few are still my friends today.

Where friends … and guests … are concerned, quality is not necessarily quantity. Actually, these days? Less is definitely more.

And now, time for a classic Jewish joke:

A very poor man goes to his Rabbi complaining his house is too small and he can’t stand it any more. “What should I do?” he asks.

“Get a big dog,” advises the Rabbi.

Puzzled, the man buys a sheepdog and brings him home. The house is even more crowded, and the man returns to the Rabbi. “It’s worse,” he moans.

The Rabbi nods his understanding. “Get a goat. He can be friends with the dog. Oh, and get a cat too.”

Even more confused, the mad does as instructed. The house is unbearable. He returns to the Rabbi. “Please, Rebbe, it’s horrible at home. The dog, the cat, the goat … and it smells really bad.”

“I think you need a lamb,” says the Rabbi. “And a calf.”

DogsSlayThe BeastieDutiful to the end, the man gets a lamb and brings it home. The noise alone is deafening. There’s hair everywhere and the place stinks. Finally, he goes back to the Rabbi, now desperate for relief.

“Rabbi, OY VAY, IT’S TERRIBLE. The animals go all over the house and they chase each other. We have no peace, no privacy.”

“Get rid of all those animals,” orders the Rabbi. The man heaves a sigh of relief and the next week returns to see the Rabbi.

“Rebbe, it’s wonderful! We have so much room. The house is clean again. Life is wonderful!


Categories: #animals, Humor

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28 replies

  1. Always loved that story- and good for you to change it up and get some peace and quiet!


  2. A man goes to the doctor “doc” he says “I can’t stand it any more.., when I do this it hurts” doc turns to the man and says “Don’t do that”.. I got a million of ’em….


  3. Love the joke – very true. Humour is a great way to get a point across


  4. Here’s your hat, what’s your hurry used to be one of my mom’s favorite sayings! Funny joke!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Great post! The joke was great. 🙂


  6. It reminds me of the lyrics of one of Joni Mitchell’s song – “you don’t what you have till it’s gone”. Great story, Marilyn and so true. We seldom appreciate what we have.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. There’s a Julia Donaldson book, ‘A Squash and a Squeeze’, that has the same story line as that joke! It’s one of my favourites. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. love the joke, and the cartoon is even funnier. all those proud, happy beasties…

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Those Jews were really on to something. Or on something. Great post, Marilyn.

    Liked by 1 person