Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge: Public Transportation

Locally, public transportation consists of feet. Yours. Mine. That guy over there. All of these pictures were taken at Logan Airport in Boston. Because there’s nothing more publicly transporting than an airport in a major city. Or, as Douglas Adams said: “No one has ever said ‘As beautiful as an airport.'” Because airports are nerve-jangling, hard-edged places designed for no one’s convenience or comfort. The best you can say for an airport is “not too bad.” Which, for an airport, is pretty good.


Cee's Black & White Photo Challenge Badge

Categories: #gallery, Cee's Photo Challenge, Transportation

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9 replies

  1. Travel has become quite the nightmare. It used to be fun.


  2. wonderful entry. 😀


  3. Yesterday (the 19th) was the 16th anniversary of the last day I flew on a plane, and I’ve rarely been in an airport since. I don’t miss them…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Does anyone miss airports? Even in their heyday, they weren’t much fun and now, they are so much worse. I would love to BE in Arizona. The problem is, other than flying, I don’t see any way to get there … and I don’t know if i can do that again. The lines. The awful food. The miserable seats. The rude people. Just all the PEOPLE. The waiting. The hauling. The schlepping. Oy.


  4. The mere thought of going to an airport makes me shudder 😦

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  5. When I see your intersting photos, I am glad that I no longer have to do it. My annual flights to London are now a thing of the past. I never really enjoyed the travelling part, queing everywhere and waiting. I notice when I took my last flight and was using a walking stick, that I was helped a lot more and did not have to wait so long.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I loved traveling when i was younger. I enjoyed the road, the driving, the countryside. I even like the flying. After 9/11, flying got to be a whole different experience. Airports because endurance contests … and i never won. The roads have gotten so crowded, the fun has disappeared … and we’ve just gotten old and achy and long car trips make our joints hurt. So now, it’s short trips, occasionally … and flying? not sure about that. maybe if they would send a dirigible?
