HAPPY THANKSGIVING! – Marilyn Armstrong, with Photos by Garry Armstrong

November 28, 2019 – Happy Thanksgiving

I couldn’t do this on Thanksgiving. The day was spent with family and chopping things for Waldorf Salad (https://wp.me/p2bT5l-1d8VE1), a roast leg of lamb, baked potatoes (which didn’t get eaten, still in the fridge), little potatoes cooked with the roast (they did get eaten), hot rolls, and green beans.

With fresh apple cider. There were apple pie and strawberry rhubarb pie for dessert — but we didn’t make it to dessert, either.

We passed along the apple pie and have been enjoying the strawberry-rhubarb pie. We sent leftovers, and today, with the last piece of lamb, I made a great little lamb curry. I have to admit, the curry is my favorite part of the lamb. All those yummy spices. Oh, and the salad went over very well.

I was too busy to take pictures, but Garry picked up the camera and here are a few. There were only four of us in the end. Sandy had to work. Healthcare workers often have to work on holidays. So do reporters, fire-fighters, police and, of course, retail workers.

Garry always worked on Thanksgiving until after we got married, but took Christmas off. Now we are both just plain OFF. All the time.

Gotta love retirement.

Categories: #Photography, Blackstone Valley, Cee's Photo Challenge, Flower of the day, Garry Armstrong, Holidays, Marilyn Armstrong

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12 replies

  1. I know. I’m married too.


  2. Everyone from my parents to my sisters to of course myself, has worked some kind of job that required putting in holidays. Getting us all together for Thanksgiving or Christmas…. HA! We all live nearby anyway, so the get-together part has always been overrated in my book. Happy belated Turkey Day!


    • Try Greek Orthodox Christmas. It comes a month later and it’s not an official holiday here. I had Greek friends and it was always great to visit when there was not traffic or craziness … and oh my, those legs of lamb! No one cooks them as well as my friend Mary’s mom.


  3. Happy Thanksgiving to you both! Love the pictures!


  4. Lovely photos. I was just showing them to Mr. Swiss and he said the same. By the way was that Duke the dog photo bombing the last picture in the corner.


  5. Nice photos and it sounds like a nice meal. I’ve worked a few Christmas and New Year’s days. Naomi has worked lots and will have to again this year.


  6. Such lovely pics, thoughtfully taken by Garry. I am ready for retirement…. but married a much younger man 22yrs ago!
