FOTD – April 15 – Daffodils are still blooming

I was really surprised to see the daffodils still blooming this afternoon. Not even wilted. And it looks like we are going to get two (TWO!) tulips! They are budding, but not yet blooming. That is unless the meteorologists are right and it’s going to snow tomorrow. Snow? Really? Yep. Snow.

Daffodils and an old tractor

Fortunately, it’s also supposed to come with about 2 inches of badly needed rain, so I supposed we can call it your basic mixed blessing. But I keep repeating myself: spring really isn’t a good season for us. We want it. Yearn for it. Plant for it, but very rarely actually get it.

I figure merely getting long lived daffodils is almost like spring. It was also a very nice day today, no matter how yucky it will be tomorrow. We have to learn to accept what we are given — and we really do need the rain.

I’m still sorting out my software. I went out and we bought bird seed and cleaned up all the pieces of dead plants and dirt in the dining room, but other than that, all I’ve done is install, uninstall, reinstall, rearrange the hard drive, swear, and curse. It has been a long day. Long with snow predicted for tomorrow. It ain’t fair.

Categories: #Flowers, Cee's Photo Challenge, Flower of the day, Gardens

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12 replies

  1. I love the photo with your old tractor 😀


    • It was the best anniversary present anyone ever gave me. No one but me really understood, but I really WANTED that tractor. It wasn’t cheap, either. Garry bought it and had to have a flatbed truck deliver it. Apparently most wives don’t want aging rusty antique tractors for their 10th anniversary, but I did 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  2. It cheers my heart to see the daffodils still blooming. It hasn’t been so long since we saw them crusted with snow. I know what you mean: so much of spring is longing for it, it seems. Beautiful pictures Marilyn.


    • They took so long to bloom, I’m glad they are living longer than I would expect. they usually pop up for a few days and then are gone. This time, they’ve been blooming for almost 10 days! But it’s cold and windy and rainy today, so this may finish them off. I hope not. We need the rain, so regardless it’s good to get some finally. The rivers are very low for so early in the spring.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I love daffodils and tulips. Life is a series of mixed blessings, Marilyn. That is why my philosophy is to make the most of the ups so the downs are more palatable. PS, my computer keeps doing updates, its driving me crazy as you can’t work on it while its doing its thing.
