CMMC – January Alphabet Letter V anywhere in the word

That “V” is the perfect letter for me because I live in a valley — the Blackstone Valley, hitherto known affectionately as “the Valley.” I think that means pretty much every pictures I’ve taken in the valley has a “V” conveniently located in the mix. And if that’s not enough, the Blackstone River, our rambling river, has a “v” in the middle of the word. A winning challenge for me!

Riverbend park in autumn showing a wide swath of Blackstone River
The biggest Valley of them all, the Grand Canyon in Flagstaff, Arizona

I feel obliged to include this one:

Finally, for pure variety, here are vegetables even though technically, tomatoes are fruit

Categories: #BlackstoneRiver, #Food, #gallery, #Photography, Anecdote, Blackstone Valley, Cee's Photo Challenge, River

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8 replies

  1. Great photos for this week. 😀 😀


  2. 🌹❤🌹❤🌹❤


  3. Ahh, Open space, the final frontier.
    Something we don’t possess on our little island.
    The last time I saw beautiful river scenes like that was when we were living on our boat!


    • It is beautiful here. We have one big river — the Blackstone and lots of tributaries. Sometimes, the river gets really wide, so it’s looks like a lake. We also have lots of dams and water falls. We’re one of the watersheds for this region, so there’s water everywhere. I don’t think you can be anywhere in the valley and be more than a quarter of a mile from a river, pond, stream — but there’s always water. We are quite a distance from the coast, however. Sometimes, it helps us miss the big snowstorms, but not this time. We’re going to get pounded.

      You can’t do any serious boating on the Blackstone. Too much rough water and falls. Kayaks — the really lightweight ones — are popular, though. You have to be careful about the falls because right before the falls, the water is usual like glass. You’d never know there’s a waterfall a few inches away.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Awesome Marilyn! It sounds like you live in a very nice place! ❤


    • It is a very pretty area. We don’t have much else — not even shopping, but nature we do have. New England is the last place in the US that has more trees than asphalt — 70% trees in this state. More in Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. Great for photographer and birders 😀
