60,000 Hits … and I’m a Versatile Blogger, too!

I passed the 60,000 hit mark today, so it seemed an opportune time to accept the Versatile Blogger Award from Dorothy at Eyes to Heart.

It is a pleasure and an honor to receive this award and I am grateful to be found worthy. Dorothy creates images and matches them with words that catch the essence of things, like starlight in a bottle. Some remarkable imagery that I urge you to explore. She is special and has a unique perspective. If you need an example, the following picture of a piece of the  Sydney Opera House is a fine example of the beauty she sees.

Sydney Opera House Roof Detail

 Recognition is always gratifying and it’s lovely when an award and a milestone coincide. This one seems especially appropriate and timely. When members of the blogging community recognize one as having some sort of genuine talent, it makes up for a lot.

If prophets have no honor in their home town, bloggers don’t get no respect from family and friends. They may love us, but they know no matter how wise and witty we seem to be online, we are really the same jerks they’ve known since we were kids and probably even jerkier. Fortunately, blogging gives us a fresh start, letting us show our best face to the world. Our new friends don’t have to know about the other stuff, things we barely remember ourselves because after so many tequila shots, who remembers? It’s good to have a wider world ’cause the folks who had to haul your unconscious butt home in the back of a VW beetle will never give you an award for being versatile, inspiring, or anything else.

versatileblogger11The Versatile Blogger Award is a favorite award because it seems more “me” than other blogging awards. I’ve never aimed to be a particular kind of blogger, never focussed on one area to the exclusion of others. Versatile and mutable would be good descriptors for me as a blogger and a person. I respond to the feelings of others as if they were my own. I react to events rather than marching to a particular drum or along a specific path. When I was younger, I could be enlisted in particular causes, but as I’ve gotten older, I try to use my energy efficiently and let  life and the universe direct where my efforts will be best used. For the astrologically inclined, it’s a Pisces thing. We are tidally related to our world. As the waters ebb and flow, so do we. We do not march nor follow dogma, but can create quite a strong current when we direct our flow to a purpose.

I don’t know from day-to-day what will catch my fancy, what event, dream or thought will set my fingers flying over the keys. The relative importance of my memories and how I feel about them isn’t fixed. I feel very differently about almost everything now than I did a few years ago and will continue to change as life twists me into new shapes. I doubt 16-year-old me would recognize 66-year-old me. I’m not even sure they would like each other.

Now to the business of accepting this award. There are some rules that go with it. I bend these rules as I bend all rules. You’ll just have to deal with it. If this were the Oscars, I’d make a long, boring speech. I would thank everyone I’ve ever known until someone gave me the hook and dragged me bodily from the stage, but this isn’t the Academy Awards and I’ve always thought those speeches were stupid. I’ll just say “Thank you” and get on with it to good parts.

These are the traditional rules for The Versatile Blogger Award:

  • Thank the person who gave you this award.
  • Include a link to their blog.
  • Next, name the bloggers to whom you would like to pass the award and send them a link to tell them you’ve selected them.
  • Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself,

Since I’m not traditional, I do things a little differently. I feel I’ve told everybody just about everything they could possible want to know about me, so I tell you about my world in pictures. I so not limit myself to naming a specific number of blogs or bloggers as nominees. Not everyone wants or accepts awards and sometimes, you’ve given awards to just about everyone you know and it’s time to give it a rest for a while. Fortunately (or not?) for my community, I have a little list so after you have viewed my gallery of selected images, you may find your name listed. Some are people to whom I always give awards because I always think they deserve them. Others are recent members of my community.

Catnip/Awakenings I have intentionally omitted because she is fighting other battles right now. Sharla, I love you, and you are not forgotten. Take care of Jim and be strong. I’ll give you a dozen or so awards when you are ready to deal with them.

Now the fun part. Here are the blogs I nominate for The Versatile Blogger Award. I hope when you have a moment you’ll take an opportunity to pay them a visit. These blogs have moved and inspired me each in their own way, and while I’m not always able to visit as regularly as I would like, I do appreciate you and you matter to me more than you might imagine.

The Recovering Legalist

Christine M Grote


Films and Things

My Favorite Westerns

My Beautiful Things

With a Friend Like Gary


Sunday Night Blog


Reflections of a Book Addict

Silk Screen Views

Head In A Vice

Mikes Film Talk

Thanks to all of you and I encourage everyone who stops by here to check out these wonderful bloggers. They are creative, original voices that will make you smile, make you think and maybe, inspire you to try new things and go new places.

To anyone I left out, I am sorry. Some of you I know don’t want awards, others I’ve awarded very recently. No one is really forgotten. I’ll catch you on the next round!

Categories: #Blogging, #Photography, #Writing

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31 replies

  1. Congratulations on your 60K mark. WTG girl!
    I found you through my love of television. Yes, I’m a TV watcher. My first love is reading. When I read your comments I read your humor and sarcasm. I was a fan.
    You put links to fellow bloggers you enjoy and that was your gift to me.
    I’ve recharged my Kindle and now read at my favorite beach again.
    Wishing you the absolute best and may many more rewards come your way. You have earned them.
    Now have to proof read this and save it from auto correct.


    • I love your comments and am very glad you recharged your Kindle. Lord save us all from auto-correct! I don’t have it on this application, but I have it on my email on Kindle and can’t get rid of it … and it makes the most extraordinary word substitutions. You and other people I have come to know through blogging are what makes it fun and worth the effort. I watch TV, movies, read, listen to audio books and write. I think I’m suffering from terminal eye strain!

      On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 12:26 AM, SERENDIPITY


  2. Congratulations, and thank you!!! 🙂 Keep up the great work over here Marilyn.


  3. Congratulations on your award and thank you for passing it along to me! Truly appreciate all the thoughtful comments you’ve been leaving on my blog!



    • I really like your blog. And as a fellow book addict, I appreciate the effort you put in. We don’t have to always agree. It would be so boring if we did 🙂


  4. Thank you for nominating me for the award. Where do I put a link to your blog? What do I say about me? Do I do it here? Don’t mean to be dense. I’m kind of new here. I’m happy for all your awards. You are a very diligent blogger and surely deserve everything that comes your way. And about the link I send… Is it to my blog? I’ll do my best. Love and hugs, I so enjoy your interesting choices for information and images. Warm Wishes, Tasha


    • You link your blog to mine. It’s a reciprocal link since I’ve already linked mine to yours. Follow this link: http://en.support.wordpress.com/links/ and they will give you step by step instructions. This is a useful site to know because when you are starting, they have little tutorials for almost everything. That’s how I learned it. Probably that’s how most everyone figures it out. It’s a lot easier than you imagine. You’ll pick it up in a heartbeat. You do more complicated stuff already. Once you learn what the different symbols mean on the menu, it’s a piece of cake, honest.


  5. Thank you for the lovely introduction to my blog. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. … I, too, like the way you bent the rules. Lovely post! … And congrats on 60k. I’m looking forward to getting there one day myself … 😉 … Be well, Dorothy 🙂


  6. Oh!!! And congratulations on hitting the over 60K mark!!! 😀


    • That’s I’m closing in on 300 followers means more than the hits because so many of them aree more or less random. The followers, though … they mean a lot.


      • Again agreed, I’ve just hit the 266 mark and I’m flabbergasted I’ve got so many! Yeah, the followers mean an awful lot! 😀


        • I figure followers may actually read stuff. A lot of hits are just people searching for something specific, maybe a movie you referenced or reviewed. It doesn’t necessarily say much about you or them. But people who sign on, stick around and keep coming back … they matter.


  7. Wow!!! Thanks mate! First off? I LOVE this post. And not because you nominated me, but because I love the content. The “jerkier” paragraph had me in stitches (mainly because it is soooo true) LOL. I feel so not worthy.


  8. Congratulations on your award. You truly deserve it dear. Great Going ..


    • Thank you so much! I feel like a Tennessee Williams heroine depending on the kindness of strangers 🙂


      • Indeed, I agree we all have lil spells of fame through these awards and since i got a ping back i was able to find your interesting blog. Isn’t this sweet in a way, be it strangers or known people we all connect somehow. 🙂


        • It makes the world a much bigger place and stretches the limits of where we live to include the whole planet. That’s a real change in our realities and the way we are able to relate to people. But it can’t, alas, change who we hang out with, gossip with, and share our popcorn. We will have to wait for the transporter for that. I’m waiting!!


          • On a lighter note I believe that’s true it depends if we want to go local with global for that we may have to stretch ourselves a bit to reach to everyone, not waiting because we seek dependency or security which is why we are not able to accept all the things that happen to us, acceptance is unique and so is an Individual .


            • Life — or at least my life — is never what I expect or plan. It just is. I flow with it these days and often, what comes is much better and entirely different than anything I might I planned or even dreamed. When bad things happen, no amount of planning or worry will prevent or fix them, so we might as well flow with the tides … they are all we have anyhow.


              • That means you accept and go with the flow, you move along with the plan of god, for whatever he shall do shall be always good for you. This is a good thing because we must accept everything that happens as whatever happens, happens for a reason a purpose that we don’t know but to keep our doors shut due to inner fear is a thing id rarely believe in, because for me the people i knew turned out to be worst enemies and at one stage i could give up trusting people and even responding to them but i did not do that rather developed more trust and sincerity while meeting people everywhere and thank god i met the most amazing people in my life .


                • For good or ill, I have learned that we don’t drive our bus. We are just passengers and must go where the driver takes us. If we spend our time arguing with the driver and complaining about the route, we are wasting precious time and failing to enjoy what life has to offer. There’s always something good to be found, though it may be a challenge to figure out what it is!


                • So let’s just enjoy the ride and let the driver take us wherever and whoever he wishes us to see or meet.


                • I try. It is not always easy, but it is never dull.


  9. Congrats on passing the 60K mark and the latest award. It IS nice to be recognized and appreciated!! Enjoy it!!


  10. Congratulations on both milestones! And what a lovely way to bend the rules!


    • Thank you! I just couldn’t bear to find something more to say about me. If pictures are worth a thousand words each, I just wrote a LOT of words 🙂
