I took this picture in the middle of a snowstorm. The image looks a bit foggy, but the fog is actually falling snow. I have tried a variety of filters and cropping. I love the picture, but I’ve never gotten it exactly the way I want it. This version is the closest yet. There are three visual areas: the foreground weeds, the middle trees and house, and the sky which tends to pixellate.

In previous versions, I cropped out most of the sky to allow me to bring up more detail in the center and foreground, but this time, I tried holding all three areas to give of the feeling of the ongoing storm.

Hadley snow storm

Categories: #Photography, Nature, Seasons, snow, Winter

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19 replies

  1. Looks pretty 🙂


  2. One can actually feel the cold! Where is my sweater 🙂


  3. Its wonderful ! Glad you are out and about!


  4. Thats a beauty! We don’t see snow as often in the UK, maybe one week per year, if that where I am on the south coast.


  5. Great photo. It would be so lovely to be walking across that field, all bundled up, snow crunching underfoot.
    I can even actually see the snow falling – oh wait, that’s WordPress snow 🙂


    • But it’s appropriate because it was indeed snowing when I took the picture and me and my friend did go crunching across that field. Carefully. We are at that age where falling is a bad idea 🙂


  6. This is such a gorgeous photo! With your kind permission, could I possibly use this photo as a reference for a painting (most likely either acrylic or watercolor)? I am not promising that I will do it since I often have good intentions and ideas that I never follow up on. Of course, if I got around to it and it turned out, I’d be happy to make sure you have a print of it, should you be interested.

    Tom Webber


    • Enjoy. It might be much better as a painting. I’ve never quite gotten it the way I want … not quite. It’s the sky. I never have it perfect.


      • Thank you; that’s very generous of you. If I get around to it as I intend, and if I’m satisfied with the result, you’ll see the fruit of my work!


        • I’d love to see it 🙂


          • Right now I am in the middle of finishing and starting commissions, so if it happens, it won’t be right way. On the other hand, I’m thinking that it may be the inspiration for a piece of art I’ll do as a Christmas gift. But don’t hold your breath unless you can do that better than David Blaine (the illusionist)! lol


            • What breath? Between asthma and heart disease, not much of that to hold 🙂 I’m patient. If you need me to send you a better or bigger file of the pictures, I can do that. Just let me know.
