What’s the best idea you’ve ever had? Regale us with every detail of the idea — the idea itself, where it came to you, and the problem it solved.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us BRIGHT.


Categories: Life, Light and Lights

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23 replies

  1. We learn by our mistakes so if we don’t make mistakes, does that mean we do not learn? Food for thought! Love the photo…perfect for the post! BTW Have you ever or can you design a logo? Um-m-m-m? Tossing around an idea for the new year. Will email you…


    • I can and I have designed logos, but I am very far from professional. I’m not a graphic artist, so usually whatever I do is some combination of text and photographs because my drawing is pretty primitive. But I’m curious about what you have in mind.

      The whole thing about great ideas is that they are all greaet ideas for a while. But life changes, things change. You change and I change and what was a fantastic idea is not suitable anymore. It’s not that the idea isn’t good … it’s that it’s no longer “right” for whatever reason.

      The greatest idea for me is the last one I had!


  2. You say the sun was not bright today, But that flower looks fresh and bright enough ! Loving its color. You say it all right…Life is a series of ideas , some perfect ones and some dumb ones and ideas don’t matter, their results matter. Hope you have a happy life full of the best ideas 🙂 Love xx


  3. Amen – I’m with you.
    Of course, 95% of those things, I’d probably do all over again…


    • They WERE great ideas at the time. Just not necessarily 5 years later. I had a lot of fun making mistakes, too … even when they weren’t really such great ideas. Wouldn’t give up the mistakes, either 🙂


  4. It’s the source of ideas that puzzles me. Not worries .. just puzzles.
    Sometimes an innocent idea – followed through – becomes a monolith. Or just breakfast.
    Which in either case can become a disaster – or a triumph. We judge.
    To which we then then take credit .. or the blame.

    I’m going now.

    That’s a very nice sunflower picture.


    • Whether an idea is great or terrible is often more an issue of timing than concept.

      The sunflowers grow in front of a favorite restaurant not far from home. Taken in July. Thanks 🙂


  5. “It seemed like a great idea at the time” — Vin to Calvera when asked why they were defending the villagers. The old man was right.


  6. Gorgeous color in that photo! That writing prompt would be tough for me. I liked what you did with it.


    • It is a very bright sunflower. Sometimes, it does look like they swallowed a piece of sunshine.

      There is no way I could ever say what was the greatest idea I ever had. At my age, many great ideas have come and gone 🙂 Thanks!


  7. Lovely, Marilyn, and true and wise. xxx



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