21 replies

  1. It’s been a snowy year. Now we are already starting to worry about spring flooding.


  2. When we had our big snowstorm, we ran out of coffee and couldn’t get down the driveway. Now THAT was sad. Glad you got Garry to run a few errands. 😀


  3. Despite the inconvenience of the snow and cold, it sure makes for pretty scenery, especially if you still have heat and power in your home!


  4. That’s sure a lot of snow. I love your moon photo at the top!


    • Yes. It is indeed a LOT of snow. And it’s still snowing. With more tomorrow.

      I put the moon picture up because it’s the full moon in Leo today. So … we have our moon 🙂


  5. That’s a lot of yuck. I mean snow. Shivers. XOXO – Bacon
