Ring of Fire

Do you love hot and spicy foods or avoid them for fear of what tomorrow might bring?

Some like it hot. I like it a little hot. A little spicy. I know people who pride themselves on liking it so hot for me, it’s just pure pain.

But a little spice is nice, don’t you think? In food … and life!

Categories: Humor

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11 replies

  1. My rule of thumb is: if you are crying when you eat it, it’s probably not a good thing. Also, you are probably going to cry when it has to come back out.

    There’s nothing sadder than a grown person sobbing on a toilet haha.


  2. Hot & spicy, all things nice….an amazing combo when done just right! Keeps the juices flowing for more.


  3. I grew up eating West Indian food. Talk about HOT!


  4. Definitely a moderate amount of heat in food and life. Just enough so you aren’t uncomfortable.



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