More from our untended garden. It’s amazing how lovely it is without any human intervention. It’s also pretty good at defending itself. The hedge roses have lethal thorns and they have spread to the point of having taken over the area.

We aren’t sure how we can even remove the one bush that died during the winter because the thorns are no less vicious in death than they were in life. Those little hedge roses are as friendly as barbed wire.

They resemble nothing so much as beautiful, rose-scented barbed wire. These are  planted on estates to protect areas from animal and human invaders. Highly effective. They don’t merely grab. They tear through gloves, sleeves and jeans. One would need body armor to approach those wicked thorns without getting cut.

Yet they look so lovely and smell like heaven. There’s a metaphor there.

Categories: #Flowers, #gallery, #Photography, Blackstone Valley, Home, Nature

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18 replies

  1. Beautiful, right down to the ‘barbed wire.’ My weed garden doesn’t look too bad either. It’s amazing how tall the flowering plants are getting without my attention. The weeds are climbing too, which is great. I can tug on a few and toss them into the grass without bending. YAY!


  2. All we had to do was wait. Mother Nature heard us.


  3. so pretty- the flowers are amazing. I love the shot of the trees


  4. Those are lovely photos


  5. love the photos – and it is great how the untended garden is so independent – 🙂 and the orange in this collage was what really captured me – such great shots M! Have a nice day and I hope you are doing well.


  6. Lovely! I’d like to leave parts of my tiny garden to just grow and see what happens, but I do have a responsibility to stop my plants growing into other people’s gardens and the path, so I have to do some cutting and pruning.


    • Our limits are keeping the well head, gate and path clear. Neighbors are hundreds of yards away on either side, and miles away on the back end. Closest neighbors are across the street.

      We have a gigantic and over-eager holly bush on the other side of the walk that wants to eat us too. But the roses are definitely more wicked by far. I planted them because they are notoriously hardy — and so they have proved — but I didn’t realize the evil nature of those thorns until the baby bushes (they were so tiny and cute when we planted them) had achieved some size and started their bid to rule the world by (successfully) choking to death all the climbing roses.
