Humanity  – This week’s photo challenge displays the people in our world. Ourselves, our family, friends. From the past and the present.

Categories: #gallery, #Photography

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20 replies

  1. I love how you capture family life.


  2. Hello Mass Broadcasters 12 : )~


  3. Oh what an outstanding collection of photos. I especially enjoyed the one of Garry’s young parents! That is a real treasure! I was able to pick you out in one of the photos of a large group of people. Nice, nice memories. :d


  4. I love your entry Marilyn! I like the mix of photos, expressions and black and whites. Beautiful!



  1. Weekly Photo Challenge: Humanity | Ruined for Life: Phoenix Edition
  2. Weekly Photo Challenge: Humanity | Jinan Daily Photo
  3. Weekly Photo Challenge: Humanity | Here & Abroad
  4. Weekly Photo Challenge: Nighttime | Ruined for Life: Phoenix Edition
  5. Weekly Photo Challenge: Nighttime | Beijing Daily Photo 2
  6. Weekly Photo Challenge: Nighttime | Jinan Daily Photo
  7. Weekly Photo Challenge: Nighttime | Here & Abroad
  8. Wordless stories of people – just some of my favorites | rfljenksy – Practicing Simplicity