Cee’s Share Your World – 2014

You’re given $500,000 dollars tax-free (any currency), what do you spend it on?

Pay off ALL our debts.

We need a new house. Maybe build one on the land we already own, but have it properly graded so that it doesn’t flood. Clear enough trees so we get the sunlight and it’s not always dark inside.


Build it without steps! Make it friendly to those of us who have trouble navigating. I’d like to get a scooter for when I need to get around in malls or parks, but something that can handle bumpy terrains so I can go where pictures lure me. I can walk, but my hiking days are done.


I would like a vacation house in the mountains. Maybe in Colorado or New Mexico, but here in Maine is nice too, though it’s rather a bit cold. There is something restful about mountains. The air is so sweet, sharp, crisp. Everything is clean and uncrowded.

Time has — to a large degree — run slower in high altitudes than at sea level. That’s the way mountain people want it. It’s the way I want it too. I want my cable TV and WiFi, but the slower pace, the less charged atmosphere is soothing. I don’t even mind the cold so much, as long as I can cuddle up to a fire and watch the snow swirl around me, not have to shovel it!

What’s the finest education?

Whatever education you want to get is the finest education. For me? I’ve enough formal education. One degree will suffice for this lifetime. I’ve learned most things I know for which I have any use, by reading and living. Everyone should get enough education to work and support themselves and maybe others, but beyond that? Only if you want something special.

What kind of art is your favorite? Why?

I love music, literature, painting, photography, lithography, sculpture, and graphic arts .Did I miss anything?

Is there something that you memorized long ago and still remember?

Some poems, bits of Shakespeare, words to some songs. Nothing terribly meaningful.

What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

I’m grateful we got through last week … and for the generosity and kindness of friends. Including many friends I never knew I had. I’m looking forward to a peace week in these mountains, visiting with friends Garry and I haven’t seen in nearly 50 years … and coming home to a repaired well!

Categories: Humor, Mountains, Nature, Personal

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12 replies

  1. Lovely! We all must dream. There is no life without dreams, they make our life more tolerable and acceptable, not only that. They make us to do things, which we were not sure we were able to do and this is good. About debts- they are ugly, will make your life miserable and dangerous. On the other side- necessity to do something about it will move you long way from where you were before. So, let’s dream and make plans, and it does not matter that others would laugh at us. House in mountains- perfect, to wake up to birds singing, watch flowers and trees growing. What can be better than that! We all have forgotten about how to talk to nature ( may be not you Marilyn, I am talking about all of us, who live in the city) Thanks for this post! Be well and happy!


    • Thank you. I like being surrounded by nature, but so much of the time, nature is most likely to be our dogs and the various insects that insinuate themselves into the house. Photography connects me to the rest of nature, makes me really LOOK. And I’m grateful for that.


  2. I bet you are looking forward to coming home to a working well. I’m thrilled that you got all the support you needed. If you are used to Maine and New England in general you will be highly disappointed with the Rocky Mountains. They are gorgeous and have great views, but the forests are not anywhere close to what you are used to. I grew up in dense forest in Northern Minnesota and the lodge pole pine forests of the Rocky Mountains don’t compete. Now I live in Oregon and I have actual forests again. Thanks for sharing.


    • Thanks for being such a great hostess. I’m looking forward (hopefully) to seeing the forests of the west in person. Next year, I hope.


      • I hope you get a chance to the west. It is way different than the East Coast. I’ve been in the DC area and Maryland and a little bit of Pennsylvania. So I don’t have a lot to compare too…..


        • We spent a few weeks in Arizona and another few in California, but Garry wants to see Monument Valley and I want to see the Rocky Mountains and the Great Plains. And maybe some of the national parks. I hope we get to see it.

          We never made it to Washington, but loved San Francisco and found LA and San Diego very interesting. It’s hard for us to travel these days. I get tired very quickly. Garry too. Getting old sorta sucks.


          • If you haven’t seen the great plains…they are fascinating and beautiful. If you go in the last summer the corn fields are simply spectacular. The view of the Rocky Mountains is spectacular…just don’t expect to be impressed with their woods. If you have not seen a lodge pole pine they will amaze and delight you. They are straight up and tall, hence their name.
            Long travel sucks these days.


  3. Paying off debts seems to be quit popular with the half million. That’s certainly where my windfall would go.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. A house in the mountains…sounds perfect to me as well.I always felt like I’m a mountain person, not a sea person. It is something about the silence in the woods and sight of the mountain’s grandeur that keeps me going back.

    Wish you good luck with your plans of a building a new house!
