Cover Art – Weekly Photo Challenge

Guest host Pete Rosos invites you to imagine the cover of a favorite book, music album, or magazine.

I don’t have to look far for this since I actually did write a book. I wrote it, designed the interior layout and the cover. The cover, spine, and back required multiple iterations, but eventually I think it came out pretty well.


teepee book back

You can, if you like, actually buy the book which is available through Amazon both as a paperback and for Kindle. Some people think it’s great and I deeply appreciate their kindness.

I wrote “The 12-Foot Teepee” about seven years ago. I think. Hard to remember. So much has happened since then and I’m in a very different place spiritually. In other ways, I’m in the same place.

The lessons I learned are as relevant today as they were then.

I don’t know if my “now” place is better, but it’s different. Life … for all of us … is a moving target. Change is part of being alive and we are not the same people from one part of our life to the next. That’s a good thing because if we stop changing, we die — mentally and emotionally. Change IS life. However — when you are a writer, it’s more than a little unnerving to encounter a past self in your own book.

It’s difficult for me to appreciate “Teepee” the way others do. I tend to focus on how I should have phrased that part differently. It reminds me how much I and my world have evolved since I wrote it, which is sometimes as if I am channeling an alternate version of me.

I’ve learned a lot about using Photoshop since I put this together and I think I’d make a classier cover now than I did back then. Mind you, I’m not unhappy with the cover. Pretty good for an amateur.

In any case, I can’t replace these covers. The teepee no longer stands. Last year, after 6 years through all seasons, her poles were rotted and the canvas moldy. A bobcat had taken up residence there. She needed to be put to rest.

I miss my teepee.

THE 12-FOOT TEEPEE by Marilyn Armstrong – Available for Kindle and as a paperback.

Categories: #Photography, Book Review, Books

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26 replies

  1. Great cover. Wouldn’t change a thing… And now you have (Your teeppee) The 12-foot Teepee captured for posterity. Loved the book and treasure the fact that my copy is autographed by you! ❤


  2. I love your blog name ❤
    This will make a lovely cover for a book. 🙂


  3. Nicely done!


  4. It is a gorgeous cover. Amateur or not. Going to see more of the story…


  5. Just downloaded your book and look forward to reading it. I found you through bread crumbs left on my blog from another photographer. I followed them to her blog and found a link here. I love how the Internet offers us the opportunity to meet people from all over the world. hugs, pat, Source of Inspiration, Some breadcrumbs from me!


    • I hope you enjoy it. A bunch of people really loved it. It’s harder for me to see it objectively because it’s so very ME.

      I wrote that seven years ago. I think. Hard to remember. So much has happened since then and I’m in a very different place than I was, at least spiritually. In other ways, I’m in exactly the same place and the lessons I learned are as relevant now as they were then.

      I don’t know if my “now” place is better, but it is different. Life … for all of us … is a moving target. Change is part of being alive and we are not the same people from one part of our life to the next. Probably that’s a good thing. When you are a writer, it’s more than a little unnerving to encounter a past self in a book.


  6. I would definitely like to know more about the spiritual journey of Maggie who seems to be brave and optimistic. Fallen in love with Teepee. 🙂


  7. So very touching! I can feel how much it means to you.


  8. I wondered if you’d use that photo. I had a friend who lived one summer in a teepee in the Rockies.



    • Teepees are surprisingly comfortable. If mine had plumbing, I might never have left. With a fire, they are cozy even with snow swirling around in sub zero temperatures.


  9. That’s good work, Probie!



  1. The Daily Post: Cover Art- Fifty Shades of Grey | decocraftsdigicrafts
  2. Photo Challenge: Cover Art | tnkerr-Writing Prompts and Practice
  3. Cover Art #dpchallenge #photography | Moondustwriter's Blog