HER: “We always watch the stuff you want to watch. How come we never watch my movies?”

HIM: “That’s not fair. I try to find things I think you’ll like.The other night I recorded ‘The Wind and the Lion.'”

HER: “You like that one too. You always have.”

HIM: “That’s besides the point.”

HER: “No it isn’t. There a pile of DVDs I’ve bought during the past year. Most of them, I bought for you and most of them, have at least been opened. None of mine have even had the cellophane removed. We never watch anything you don’t like.”

HIM: “Well, let’s make tonight different. {pause} You’re still sulking. I can tell by your face.”

HER: “You don’t mean it. As soon as one of those movies goes on, you’re going to start to make faces, or fall asleep. Instantly. You only do that to prove how boring my taste is.”

monty python British comedy movies

HIM: “I promise, I’ll watch. If I really hate it, I’ll tell you.”

HER: {Long Pause} “Okay, but you better mean it. Or …”

HIM: “Just pick a movie.”

HER: {Unwrapping} “It’s ‘Monty Python and the Holy Grail.’ I don’t want to hear how you ‘don’t get’ British humor.”

HIM: “Do they have closed captions? Comedy is hard when you don’t get the words.”

HER: “Lemme see. Well, they have Full Script, English, French, Spanish, German, and Hard of Hearing.”

HIM: “Let’s try ‘Hard of Hearing.’ ”

HER: “It’s probably a goof.”

HIM: “I’m curious.”

HER: “Okay.”

Movie comes on. Someone is shouting loudly over the film. Cute.

HIM: “Okay. English, please.”

That’s how one of the major problems of the world — or our little corner of it — was solved, at least for this particular Saturday night. I guess it depends on ones definition of “divisive issue currently in the news.” A good time with much laughing was had by all. We even watched the accompanying “extra material.” It goes to show you, right? Where there’s a will, there’s a way.


Categories: dialogue, Family, film, Humor, Movies, Relationships

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33 replies

  1. Monty Python is a distinct form of humour. Very British.


  2. “…. cause it’s bugger all down here on earth…”


  3. Or you could marry someone who fits with your life. Or is that still too New Age for everyone?


    • He does fit my life. Just not necessarily my viewing habits. Does anyone believe that there is any living person with whom you have 100% perfect accord in every area of life? Because that’s not New Age. That’s adolescent.


  4. I have never seen the movie… and it seems most people around me on the internet love making references to it. I’ve been told by a few non-Grail fans, upon my stunning admission, that I’m not missing out on anything special… but I guess I’ll never know because I don’t seem to motivated to seek it out and watch it….


    • I like it. I’m not the level of passionate fan that some other people are, but it makes me laugh. And if you are a history buff, there’s a lot of historical stuff (veddy English) that makes it even funnier.


  5. It’s just a flesh wound.


  6. I love anything Monty Python!! 😀


  7. Hard of hearing – only on a Monty Python DVD! And is there actually a person in the world that doesn’t like ‘Monty Python and the Holy Grail’?


  8. I have never seen a Monty Python movie.


    • I guess it’s a matter of taste, but I find (most of) them hilarious. The Meaning of Life is a bit dark and if your religious sensibilities are easily offended, skip Life of Brian.


  9. All of these DVDs delivered by a laded European sparrow, no doubt.


  10. I gave up choosing. There is one programme we both like and otherwise I read a book or am on the computer. Now and again a new parcel arrives from some place called Amazon with DVD’s. Sometimes I like to watch, and other times it is background. I don’t even discuss it but let him get on with it.


  11. This is a dicey subject and shouldn’t be. I **LOVE** movies– good, bad and ugly. I love watching movies (yes, lots of oldies) the way Marilyn loves reading. We share the same room so it becomes a problem when I want to watch something that Marilyn doesn’t enjoy. Round up the usual suspects.


  12. You only have conversations like this when you are together since forever and happy :-).


    • True. It’s what I call conversation 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, almost as good as “what do you want to eat” and him saying “I don’t know make something”.


        • I stopped asking. I just make dinner. Eat it, don’t eat it, but I cook what I’ve defrosted. I discovered asking was a trap and I fell into it every time. Given a choice, it would always be something highly labor intensive requiring I stand in the kitchen chopping and mixing and whatever-ing for at least an hour. Now, I say “I’m going to make dinner.” He says “What is it?” “Salmon.” “Can’t we just have pizza?” And so it goes.


  13. I remember the commotion that movie caused when it first came out. Making fun of religion?! Personally, I find it hilarious.


    • Maybe you are thinking of Life of Brian? That’s a straight up take off of the story of Jesus. But Monty Python made fun of religion, at least sometimes, in ALL their movies. Especially the Church of England. But Life of Brian is only about religion. In other movies, it’s subtext. In Life of Brian, it’s the entire plot.


      • You’re right. Life of Brian caused some serious fervor, and I probably was thinking more of that movie – but I loved both of them, so it’s understandable how I got them confused so many years later. Guess I should watch them both again now, so I can refresh my memory … 🙂


        • I hadn’t seen this in many years and it was funnier than I remembered … which is pretty funny. Also, this is an anniversary edition, so it’s got some cool extra features. I think I caught more of the humor now than I did when it first came out … and if you are a Mel Brooks fan, maybe you’ll notice some hooks between it and Blazing Saddles which came out the same year.

          Liked by 1 person