I’ve got a bible cyst (also known as a bible bump) on my left wrist. No kidding. It’s not quite as funny as it sounds.

It has been a nuisance for a while. Since the last round of life and death heart surgery, it has moved down the priority list from a serious problem to a minor aggravation. Everything is relative.

It’s been on my wrist for years. It’s annoying. It came and went (typical behavior for cysts) and has made it impossible to wear a watch. Hardly a medical emergency.

This is a ganglion cyst on the inner right wri...

One day, about two years ago, it blew up. Got huge. Too much typing? It hurt when I moved the wrist.

I talked to the doctor about it. He thought I should address the cyst and the arthritis in my hands at the same time.

Before that happened, the cyst deflated — and my heart blew up. It’s two years later. A lot of heart surgery, but I’ve still got the cyst, which still comes and goes. Sometimes it hurts, other times it itches. I live with it. I have bigger things on my plate.

What makes it a Bible Cyst? 

Ganglion cysts, typically located on wrists (though sometimes on knees, fingers or toes) are known as “bible cysts,” alternatively as  “Gideon’s disease.”

Why? Glad you asked. In the good old days, the treatment for ganglion cysts was to give them a hard whack with a heavy book, breaking the cyst and draining it. Since the bible was usually the heaviest book in the house (often the only book), though I’ve heard a full-size dictionary, Oxford or Webster, will do the job just fine. You see the connection, right?

Somehow, getting whacked on the cyst with a heavy book seems a solution I’d rather skip.

Ironically, the old “whack the cyst with the bible” apparently works every bit as well as any modern surgery. Better. Cysts thus whacked rarely return. I suspect the whackee would never tell anyone if it did recur. One bible whacking is probably enough for any wrist.

It gives a new meaning to the expression “bible thumper”!

Categories: #Blogging, #Health, Humor

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38 replies

  1. My mom had one of these and whacked it by mistake (hit her wrist accidentally), it hurt like a bear she said, but then it went away and hasn’t come back.


    • Apparently the treatment works. I just lack the courage to do it. I figure I’d miss and break something.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I certainly understand your hesitation. And I remember my mother saying it hurt something awful when it happened, but only for a for a little bit. She certainly didn’t MEAN for it to happen. She hit it by accident. But it did drain and go away after a while. She thought she’d done something terrible to it until the doctor told her it was the best thing that could’ve happened.


        • My friend did it — also accidentally — with a 9-iron. She also said it really HURT. But it went away and never came back. Primitive, but it works better than any of the “advanced” treatments.

          Liked by 1 person

  2. How annoying. I learnt all about this when I did my nursing training. Which is the lesser of two evils?


  3. It’s obviously an implanted Alien egg. Ask me any time. I know these things.


    • But … what will happen when it hatches? Will there be homeless baby cysts wandering in search of a forever home? Is that a new email address? Are you just trying to confuse me?


  4. When I was a working lady I developed a ganglion on the right side of my right wrist. It was from the computer movements daily. I got myself a special mousepad and it gradually disappeared. I also developped tennis arm from continuous computer work. My feet seem to develop strange bumps now and again and I have to be very careful because of the diabetes, but I suppose that’s life.


    • I have a lot of little bumps. Lipoma, not ganglion cyst. They are apparently unimportant and not worth removing. Computers really do a lot of damage. All the thousands of tiny controlled movements.


  5. Well that’s a new one for me. I’ve never seen a Bible Bump before.


  6. Great. First I read/look at nekkid hot bodies of young folks in underwear. Now I have an uncontrollable urge to have Chuck Heston whack me with a Bible. Oh, the terrible things you two make me think of. 😀


    • I’d go with a single hit with a baseball bat, but a miss might take my whole HEAD off and I probably would not like that. And I did NOT make up that prompt. I do admit to having fun tracking down underwear photographs. At my age, we take excitement wherever we can find it 🙂


  7. That looks painful. I don’t like the idea that someone has to make it explode, but if it works I would go for it.


  8. Interesting. I have never heard of a bible bump.


    • Neither had I, until I got one. They are apparently very common. I have not yet been willing to have someone hit me with a heavy book. Just call me chicken. Unfortunately, there really isn’t a better cure.


  9. Too bad Chuck Heston isn’t around anymore to kiss your cyst and make it well. He really liked you. So let it be written, so let it be done.


  10. I had one of these on my right wrist. I went to a G.P who recommended I have it surgically removed. I went to a Chinese doctor who gave me acupuncture and a painful massage on the area. It was gone in a few days and has not returned. This was about 5 years ago. 🙂


  11. A relative of mine had one of those a few years ago. He went to the hospital fearing some awful diagnosis and sure enough they whacked it with a telephone book – white pages I believe. Ain’t modern medicine grand? (But it did indeed do the trick!)

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  12. The thought of whacking it with the heavy book gives me goose pimples. The theory behind the Bible cyst is interesting. You should take proper medication so that it doesn’t hurt anymore.

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  13. The very thought of whacking something like that and having it explode makes me shudder 😦

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  14. possibly right, I have tried whacking them, but to no avail – maybe I haven’t hit them hard enough? 🙂

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