A rerun from October, 2013. A great vacation, if you didn’t count the hotel …

futon bed cape cod

What a perfect prompt  for this bright and shining day. Waking up this morning on an old futon with the entire room buzzing and rumbling from the vibrations of heavy machinery.


We slept in the tiny living room of our seedy resort because the bed (in the bedroom) was sagging in the middle and hard as concrete. We are in Hyannis, Cape Cod.

Cape Cod Bathroom

Outside, I can hear the machinery thrumming. I don’t know what it’s doing and maybe it’s better if I don’t know. It would just worry me.

The elegant, understated kitchen vent.

The elegant, understated kitchen vent.

In the middle of the night, there was the sound of little feet scrambling around near the bed by the kitchen.

“What the hell?” I said to myself, leaping out of bed but making a circuitous loop before checking out that noise. I wanted to know what that sound was but also I didn’t really want to know — or step on something soft, warm, full of teeth and tiny claws. The non-paying residents of Unit 17 had come out to play (dum de dum dum).

See? They repair stuff. The screen is carefully repaired with cello-tape.

See? They repair stuff. The screen is carefully repaired with cello-tape.

Garry had removed his hearing aids, so he was spared this. I think he might have fled screaming. A brave man and true, but not in the face of rats. He has met rats, figuratively and literally and didn’t like them.

News Flash:  Screams were heard drifting from the Cape Winds Hotel last night. Missing are Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong, of Uxbridge, Massachusetts … Film at 11.

Please, someone … tell me we don’t have rats living in here …. anything but rats (or spiders).

Please join us for coffee on on charming patio.

Please join us for coffee on our charming patio.

Categories: #Photography, Daily Prompt, Humor, New England, Travel, Vacation, You can't make this stuff up

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20 replies

  1. OMG! Now I know where the previous owners of The Empire Hotel in NYC moved to!


  2. At least you have the photographic evidence. They can’t argue with that.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Obviously this place was conceived for people more into each other, than their surroundings.., or the wild life therein?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Isn’t Cape Cod Steven King land? Perhaps that is where he got his ideas from. part of life’s experiences.
    My No. 2 son has stayed in hotels in those unknown Russian states when attending various conferences – so no comment. He showed me a great spontaneous photo of life in a Hotel in Zürich near the airport where he had to stay overnight to catch the plane next morning. He also showed it to the hotel staff. One of those inhabitants which I know Marilyn does not like and it had more than four legs and was not furry.
    And by the way how is Garry progressing with his health?

    Liked by 1 person

    • No actually, Stephen is from Maine, way north … though I’m sure he has logged time on the Cape because everyone in this region goes there once in a while. It’s vacation land north.

      I am SO paranoid about bugs that this has me freaked out a hundred different ways. I can only imagine the hotels in unknown Russian state. Which is why you can be sure you will never catch me visiting one of them. {Shiver}

      Garry is about the same, minus the fever and a reduced headache. Although we deferred the blood work until tomorrow, it definitely has to be done. At least to rule out some stuff. We may never get a definitive diagnosis. It’s one of those things for which tests are not reliable.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Marilyn, you haven’t seen anthing compared to some of the places we stayed at. I have pictures too. OOOOhhh don’t think you’d want to see them.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. What a disaster! I hope it wasn’t expensive!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Imagine the hotel would have been great, you wouldn’t have anything to write about lol.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The weather was glorious and the Cape was great. We’ve been to great hotels and it rained the whole week. This was better than that.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Marilyn, there’s always the motel your Dad so graciously put us up in Montreal. Believe it was a “Wild Kingdom” location site.
        Then, there’s also the classic “Motel Hell” starring Rory Calhoun near the end of his career. His guests wound up as brown ‘n serve sausages.


  8. Oh no! Sounds like a horrible bind your inn.


    • It was horrible, but the Cape was gorgeous and the weather was perfect. The place was so awful, it got us out early and we stayed out all day. Better a lousy hotel with great weather than a great hotel and bad weather.

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