We need to celebrate Fall of Sauron day. The triumph of good over evil. The dropping of the One Ring into the cracks of doom. The journey of a couple of fragile Hobbits — successful beyond all logic and reason — to conquer the dark doom of Mordor.

The message came by email out of my past. Blowing away at least thirty years of haze and fog …

… I still have your letter of congratulations on my first marriage … written in Elvish.


I remember learning Elvish. J.R.R. Tolkien had amazing appendices, from which you could learn Elvish. Well enough to write a little and read even more. I could have studied other Middle Earth languages too, but quit after Elvish because I had, you know, to work.

I admit I don’t remember writing that note. I remember writing the “Fall of Sauron Day” (in English) service. The first version plus 5 or 6 later revisions.

macro fuchsia

We held the annual celebration as near as scheduling allowed to the Vernal Equinox — March 21st or thereabouts. It was like a miniature Seder, but with more wine drunk a lot faster. Drunk being the operative word.

all that is gold

The entire service lasted just short of an hour. Including about six glasses of wine. I’m sure I have a copy of the service in a huge box of writing in the back of the basement, near the oil tank. If it hasn’t rotted or turned to dust by now.

On a year when “the boys” (our lively groups of crazed engineers) had available time, we had visual and sound effects. We came in costume, or some semblance thereof. When life was too busy to make costumes, we did the best we could with whatever came to hand, dressing in some version of Middle Earth-wear.

Then we celebrated. Drank to excess. Which wasn’t hard since I basically didn’t drink. We laughed, ate mushrooms (the favorite food of Hobbits). Some of us me passed out and/or got sick me again.

Those were crazy busy years. Babies. Work.  Establishing a profession. Partying hearty almost every night, then getting up and doing it again.

All of this took place in my twenties. As I rounded the corner to 30, I wanted out. There is such thing as too much fun.

I lived nine years in Israel, but never properly learned Hebrew. Maybe if I had studied Hebrew with the same determination I’d put into Elvish, it would have turned out differently.

So, for now, if anyone would like to join me in a revived celebration of the destruction of Sauron, I have the service somewhere. We’d have to cut down on the booze since we don’t drink anymore, but I’m pretty sure we could make the rest of it work for us. Because celebrating good over evil is bound to be a rewarding holiday.

Categories: Anecdote, celebration, Daily Prompt, Friendship, Humor, Personal

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26 replies

  1. We have a couple of great used media stores out here, DVDs, Bluerays, CDs, Books (remember those?) Records (the Vinyl kind ) etc. And since going to the movies is a major investment, these days, even the popcorn is priced outrageously.., and since new flat screen TVs with HD picture and sound are great, I’ve opted for owning a few choice movies. Of course The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings is among them. Having poured through the books back then, while commuting on the LIRR, I decided to revisit these great fantasies and, of course to see the movies directed by Peter Jackson. I must say that of all the movies adapted from books, of this sort, this series is pretty good, so I’m slowly going through them looking for flaws but ultimately enjoying them instead. What I like is being able to stop and start, or resume later when I get too tired. Back tracking to cover stuff I missed and generally having a ball. I miss those days when we celebrated the Fall of Sauron even when, like you Marilyn, I thought I’d out grown it. It was different when we were younger though as I think we were all identifying with Bilbo, and later with Frodo (Jeffrey maybe Gandolf). Many of us were on life adventures ourselves much of which was not unlike the mysterious forests and traversing through underground passages (which later I discovered were “subways”) and encountering the strange creatures that inhabited those places, including a few dwarfs.

    Sorry, I started to ramble.., but my point is that you can find some real gems cheap at these used media shops and I have.


    • Boston used to have some wonderful second hand record/book/media stores. Borders in downtown Crossing was fantastic … but they disappeared when the prices of renting in that area went over the rainbow. Many great little shops disappeared around the same time, so now downtown crossing just has the usual suspects, nothing interesting. We absolutely CANNOT visit ANY of these places when we are there. We have no room. If we buy anything, the thing that is currently in its place is going to be packed up and mailed to you. That’s both a threat and a promise@!!@#$


  2. I can’t even master my native tongue. I can’t imagine trying to learn the language of a race of literary characters… even with 6 glasses of wine in me…


    • And yet, somehow, I did. Which only proves that when one is young and weird, anything is possible. I’m not sure the wine helped. I’m pretty sure that the last thing I remember is drinking it and the rest is a blank. But I’m told I had fun. In fact, I was a riot.


  3. Now that sounds like a holiday I can get behind. Shame we didn’t think of it when I was at uni 🙂


  4. A friend and I learned the Phoenician alphabet when we were eleven and passed notes back and forth in class with no problem. Elvish would have been better..


  5. LOL. Those were the days my friend – Mary Hopkins


  6. That was real fun ! You have really lived your life, did crazy things and learnt so much in just one life. I enjoyed reading about your past.


  7. Interesting look into your past. I never learned Elvish, but cheers to good conquering evil.


  8. That is a real fun prompt and why not elvish. Ok, I am an atheist, but don’t have a problem with it (perhaps the others). I am also tolerant so OK. On the other hand I sort of search for a belief that I could perhaps get into it. Havn’t tried elvish but do have a slight hang to pagism and druids with a touch of buddist. I also study Jabberwock now and again, but no-one understands me.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Buddhism fits nicely with everything from Atheism to Catholicism, Judaism, and Islam. If I was going to “be” anything, it would be Buddhist. Fortunately, Elvish isn’t a belief. It’s a fictional language for a people who never existed, but I like to pretend it is all true. Tolkien’s books were so good, many of us were able to allow ourselves to believe in the worlds he created, even though we know it was never real.

      Liked by 2 people

  9. I would gladly join, my feet are big enough to pass as a Hobbit anytime (if I am sitting).


  10. Wish there was a video of your celebration.
