Grand Slam


Being baseball fans, when you mention baseball and walk-off home runs, David Ortiz pops into mind. He isn’t the Big Poppy he was in the past, but he has his good days.

The Sox are so not in it this year, but it’s been an interesting baseball decade. We’ve had a fair share of victories. In theory, our boys could still do something. In reality, it seems beyond merely unlikely.


My walk-off home run would be a multi-faceted magic remedy to alleviate arthritis, regenerate missing body parts and internal organs, cure skin rashes and hair loss … combined with at least one big score on the lottery.

nationals in DC baseball

On a more modest level, I’d be happy with a good night’s sleep and waking up free from pain.

That said, I’m not unhappy. Life remains engaging, entertaining, amusing, fun. I’ve had to find new things to enjoy and different ways to enjoy them, but we all have to adapt. I guess I don’t remember “the old days” as so much better than right now. Different. Not necessarily better.


We change, the world changes. It takes some enterprise to find new stuff to enjoy, but it’s not beyond our ability to learn to play on a new field. Even to figure out how to hit one of the park.

Categories: #Health, Baseball, Life, Personal, Sports

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26 replies

  1. Trying to follow your excellent example, Marilyn; still getting used to the whole waking up in pain idea….still, I agree that life keeps on giving us new reasons to get up in the morning!


    • It’s amazing what we can get used to when we have no choice. As long as we keep getting up the the morning. And keeping mentally busy keeps me from dwelling on things I can’t fix 🙂


  2. I think getting up in the morning fresh and ready to face the day is top of my list. And to win the lottery one day – ah to be able to buy some new camera gear without agonising over the costs.


  3. I’d be thrilled to get a full night of sleep – go to bed, fall asleep, wake up in the morning hopefully between 6-7 and not on and off all night long and then finally get up at 5:15. And, maybe even a small lottery win could sure put a smile on a lot of faces. 🙂


  4. I was looking at the standings, and the best team in the AL has 52 wins, and the worst team has 41 wins. Nobody in the entire league is out of the playoff hunt yet… it’s been a really weird year! The National League is a much different story…


    • Standings or not, the Sox are not playing well. Management still refuses to get at least one or two solid pitchers. It’s killing them. No matter how bad the rest of the pack is — and they ain’t great — the Sox are worse. Not that there aren’t some really good sluggers on the roster, but hitting only gets you so far. You also need pitching and we don’t got it.


  5. If you find your victory, share it with me! ^_^ I need some organs regenerated too. And i loved Blazing Saddles.


    • A few years ago, I realized I’d run out of parts that could be spared. Now, anything that goes needs to be replaced. I actually have half a wallet full of ID cards for my replacement parts. They come with identification. I will never be a Jane Doe in a morgue. They can track me by my implants.


      • Eh, I’m not quite that far yet. I just have a few missing parts. Nothing replaced. I’m surprisingly healthy for all of my ailments. >_<


        • So was I until cancer times two and heart surgery times five. Sort of finished me off. I’m still recovering and I’m better than I was last year, but I don’t know how much better I can be. I’m being patient.


  6. Ok, being a Brit I understand zero about baseball, but I did play rounders in the school which is a sort of tame style of baseball. However, I can agree with the comments about the walk off home run being perhaps a cure for all golden oldie problems.


    • Baseball is the only game I can watch and relax. Not too violent, moves at a comfortable pace. Time for snacks and chatting about plays and calls. Many people feel that baseball itself is a cure.


  7. I have no clue about baseball, never watched a game. But one day I will, it does look interesting.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. What does Garry’s t-shirt say?
