Obstacle Course


NO, I didn’t take this picture, but it really says it, doesn’t it? 

Categories: #Photography, Daily Prompt, Transportation, Travel

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35 replies

  1. They need a sign that says a U turn is OK. I know some people wouldn’t be able to read between the signs to recognize what the CAN do!


  2. LOL. Overkill at it’s best. My son loved it as well.


  3. sign, sign, everywhere a sign 🙂


  4. You can’t get there from here… you’ve got to go the other way. One of my favorite punch lines. ^_^ Love the sign.


  5. Chuckle. Sometimes that’s life too.


  6. This must have been taken in September when the DOT is desperately trying to use up the rest of its allotted funds so that it can get that much and more the following year. Government efficiency at its finest!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I love this — reminds me of many physical places, and a few emotional ones too!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Why don’t they just say “Stay where you are! Hands in the air. Don’t MOVE!”

      Liked by 1 person

      • Reminds me of one of the first TV news “specials” I did in Boston back in the early 70’s. We called it “You can’t get there from here”. I thought it was funny back then. Now? Irony: I just noticed the title of your piece. Great minds think alike. It REALLY did seem funny 45 plus years ago.


  8. I guess they want you to stay where you are?

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