Imagine. Week 51! JUST ONE WEEK TO GO for 2015.

First, I decorated the tree. Then the family came over and I decorated the tree a bit more. It’s a small tree and a little bit goes a long way. A lot goes even longer. Even so, I was left with extra decorating material. So I decorated my granddaughter.72-Christmas-Kaiti-122015_002

Amidst the busyness, debris, and dog hair, I caught Bonnie relaxing on “her” sofa. I managed to grab a few pictures before she skedaddled. It wasn’t the best lens for the job, but I was just thrilled to get a couple of pictures before she ran for the hills.

What is an Oddball?

Noun –
1. A person or thing (or maybe, a dog?) that is atypical, bizarre, eccentric, or nonconforming, especially one having beliefs that are unusual but harmless. Not counting the teeth.
Adjective –
2. Whimsically free-spirited; eccentric; atypical: an oddball scheme.


First, she didn’t realize I was there.


Then, she opened her eye, took a look, and one frame later, gone. Why won’t she let me take pictures of her?

I don’t understand (wringing hands, with whine and wail in voice).

Categories: #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge, dogs, Pets, Scottish Terrier

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23 replies

  1. I used to always be able to take photos of Mac. That has long ago gone away. Great photos.


    • Thank you 😀 Everyone stayed put while I clicked the shutter. It’s a miracle. A minor one, but appreciated. Getting any kind of picture of Bonnie is a triumph … and my granddaughter isn’t much better than the dogs, as far as standing still for photographs 🙂


  2. I love this pic of Bonnie on the rose colored pillow! What a comfy rest!!! Hope Morrie is as comfy and that he hasn’t eaten his new bed! Merry Xmas.


    • It’s actually a Scottie pillow. She knows. The girl knows. And a very MERRY Christmas to you, too 🙂


      • My sister, somewhat aghast at Morrie’s highjinks, pointed to a display carousel as we left her local Michael’s store and said, “You notice they don’t have one of those for Scotties.” It was an entire display of bumper stickers that showed different breeds of dogs. Each was labelled “A (whatever the breed of dog) is the best dog ever!” I circled the display around to see breed after breed, but alas, not a Scottie. I had about given up when finally I spotted it: “Scottish Terrier”––and the picture looked just like Morrie and/or Bonnie! Aha! I whipped it out for her to see. But, I don’t seem to be able to convey how his charm and hugability cancels out the energetic mischief. I guess you just gotta be there! Merry Xmas to you guys and dogs!!!


        • Not everyone “gets” terriers. Terriers (or terrorists) feel they know better than their owners. They are hard-headed and independent … and fiercely protective. And smarter than is good for them. I found a cool Scottie bumper sticker on line and we scored a Scottie calendar at Pet Smart. Scotties are not a super popular breed anymore (they used to be), so they don’t have as much stuff in stores for them. But they do have a passionate following, so the breed club and the local chapters all make calendars and bumper stickers and tee shirts (Garry has several, and he’s getting a Scottie cap for Christmas). Lots of stuff online. Tons of it.

          We aren’t all that fond of velcro dogs who want nothing in life except to be glued to you all the time. I appreciate lap dogs for what they are … small, charming, with a specialty in “cute.” I prefer dogs that are independent and have a sense of humor. Scotties have a GREAT sense of humor. If may not be exactly the same as ours, but they think they are pretty funny and Bonnie, no matter what she has done, somehow always makes me laugh.


  3. Animals and birds have this innate ability to see a lens and shoot through. I have the same problem with birds. I can be inside but they still know.


  4. Aren’t granddaughters delightful!
    Bonnie must be a free spirit. She must sense something about the click of the camera.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks!! Kaitlin is a pip 🙂 As for the dogs, I think the dogs can hear the electronic noise the camera makes when it focuses. They must because I don’t see any other way they can know what you are doing.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Bonnie is a double agent. Currently, she’s trying to crack a case involving the Scottie Cabal.


  5. It was fun to listen to all the fun as I watched football downstairs.


  6. Does the camera make any noise or emit a bright light? Maybe that’s why Bonnie has “photo-phobia”? I wonder if giving her a biscuit would help.


    • If it makes a sound, I can’t hear it. But my hearing isn’t what it was when I was younger. No bright light, no flash. It’s probably a noise that I can’t hear, but she can. That wouldn’t be so hard.


  7. My Lily doesn’t like her photo taken. Point a camera at her and she often turns away. Makes the photos you do get all the more worth it though 🙂


  8. Oops! The number 8 is right above the letter I on my cell phone. I was not able to locate the most recent post. Maybe soon to be posted? 🙂


  9. 8 was nor able to find a granddaughter post under your title for the next post, I believe. I like oddball as long as they are confident, Marilyn. They need yo like themselves for their ability to think outside the box. Most inventions and creativity cones from this way of being and thinking. Hugs, Robin
