We all battle monsters. Real monsters. Monsters “from the id,” and those monsters that dwell in our subconscious. And of course, there are the monsters that are us.


Ever since the weather went from winter to warm, I’ve felt as if my back is against the wall and the demons are closing in. This is not the way I usually feel. I’ve been through a lot of crap over the years. Physically, mentally, socially. I’ve gone through enough rough patches to feel like “rough” is perfectly normal to be dealt with by wearing sturdy sandals.

This year my defenses were breached. Being attacked by a zillion poisonous, ravening caterpillars … while all I could do in response was hide indoors was a uniquely horrible experience which I hope never to repeat. It has taken a toll. I am mentally exhausted and more than a little freaked out.


The worst of the horror show is over, I know. The trees have been defoliated and are apparently recovering. There are a million or several million moths zooming about the humid air. If they were at least pretty, it would help.


Gypsy Moths aren’t pretty. They are little. Dull brown, taupe, or gray. Except for the non-flying females who are white. None of the moths do anything at this stage. After morphing into moths, they no longer eat. They lay or fertilize eggs, fly aimlessly here and there … then die.,

I can hardly wait.

That this could conceivably recur again next year makes me want to cry. I’m sure that we’ll survive, but somehow, it isn’t much of a comfort.


There’s much irony going around because on most other rational levels, life is going quite well. So why do I feel like a bad version of Macbeth is being staged in my head?

Categories: #Photography, Anecdote, Home, Humor, Nature, Woods

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13 replies

  1. Life is like a box of…..(no even I can’t finish that line!) sometimes with the good comes the bad? Can you plant some trees that repel the moths? Just a thought…..


  2. It is unnerving to have bare trees in the middle of summer. Nature playing tricks with mankind for being so unkind to it….


    • It’s weird in a lot of ways. The garden is blooming like crazy because it’s the first time it’s had sun in the summer. The poor fuchsias are getting torched because there’s too MUCH sun on the deck. And we can see sunrises and sunsets because there are no leaves on the trees. Strange indeed.


  3. A little birth control is in order.

    Liked by 2 people

    • A LOT of birth control. You know, they actually have stuff that the town/state could spray that would kill them before they could do much damage. But they’d have to hire a helicopter and spray from the air. Or call a drone strike (yeah, drones!) … which so far, I don’t see happening. I think though maybe in the spring, fear will force them into some kind of collective action.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Drones would be the way to go. Let’s hope they get off their collective buttoses (don’t know how to spell it).

        Liked by 1 person

        • Drones? YES!!!!!!!!!!!

          Liked by 1 person

          • My son has one of those. They’re really neat.

            Liked by 1 person

            • Adorama, my favorite camera store, is having a HUGE sale on drones. If I thought there was any chance we’d learn to use it, I’d buy one. The prices have come down a lot and you can get them with some decent camera equipment, too. Almost as good as being able to fly.

              Except that in an area like this … well … it’s like trying to fly a kite. You CAN’T fly a kite here. Too many very tall trees. Power lines too. I think for this, they would have to get a real crop duster up there. There are a lot of acres of oaks trees. We own just 2 acres, but we abut 40 acres of wooded state land which abuts at least 100 acres more owned by various farmers who have not developed it. That’s probably why we got hit so hard: it’s mostly woods and nearly exclusively oak.

              I don’t know what is going to happen. I know the gardening companies in the area are trying very hard to get the local governments to do SOMETHING. A few communities have sprayed, but it’s been spotty. This kind of problem is regional; everyone needs to be on board. There’s really nothing more for us as individuals to do. We can protect our premises as well as we can and we are doing that … but after that? It’s not like they don’t know what’s going on. They know. They know better than we do because this isn’t the first time this has happened here.

              Liked by 2 people


  1. Trees-for Marilyn – chosenperspectives