Being in the now is a thing. We’re getting older, so now is what we’ve got. The past is gone, the future uncertain. La di da. Yada yada. Except no matter what, now is all anyone ever has. A memory of the past is not the same as having that time. A memory is a memory. Time is today. Now. Immediately.


The future is never a certainty for anyone. Anywhere.

So. Let’s look at life in the real now, not during one of those infrequent special Hallmark moments. Take yesterday, a typically now-ish day.

We got up. Drank coffee. Answered email and commented on this site. Garry checked in with Facebook. I updated Farm Town. We petted dogs and didn’t give them nearly enough biscuits — in their opinion.

Then we went out, picked up a couple of prescriptions and a few grocery items. I took some pictures. Nothing earthshaking, but the earth doesn’t shake here. Whatever downtown looked like yesterday, it won’t be a whole lot different today unless it’s winter and we get a foot or two of snow overnight. Otherwise, things evolve slowly.


I discovered the battery in my camera was dead. Again. I think (maybe) I’ve got a bad one. I need to mark it so I can tell which one it is (I have four and they look identical). I’ll give it one more chance to prove its value before to the bin it goes.

Next, I decided to buy a bucket of chrysanthemums (yellow), the fuchsias having passed on to the big nursery in the sky. Then we went home. I sorted mail, dumped all but one magazine into the trash. Bills come electronically, so most paper mail is advertising or what we consumers refer to as “junk.” I don’t even take it inside, but toss it into the bins by the garage.


Only when I got upstairs and my computer refused to boot did awareness of the now go to yellow alert. I spent a joyless hour trying to figure out why it wouldn’t boot. With no satisfactory answer. Which reminded me I should invest some time taking care of Garry’s machine.

All the excitement was followed by … what? I read a book. Garry read the newspaper. We both watched MidSomer Murders. I processed a few pictures. We ate dinner. Dogs came, dogs went.

I’m sure we were in the now because there really isn’t anywhere else to be. If we aren’t in the now, where are we exactly? If there’s a parallel universe, I wish it would open a wormhole for me. I’ve been looking for it for many years. If anyone deserves a trip to another dimension, I certainly do.

Special, defining memorable moments are not ordinary, daily events. If they were, they would cease being special or defining. One of the signifiers of specialness is that it’s extraordinary. I know it’s fashionable to talk about the now as if it every moment is so wonderful we dare not miss a single second. But no one could live in a constant state of hyper-awareness. We’d burn out.


Did our trip to CVS merit a special page on our scrapbook of life? I kind of doubt it.

Finally, I actually have an opinion on this — which is (tada): There is nothing wrong with uneventfulness. A flow of days, even years with no crises, drama, or momentous peaks and valleys. It’s called contentment and it’s the state for which I have long yearned.

Add a few lovely vacations and memorable events to highlight the passage of time and it becomes perfection.


Categories: #Photography, Humor

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27 replies

  1. The here and now can sometimes be boring, but time passes – sometimes too fast when one day leads onto the next with no real excitement to distinguish each day. If you know what I mean


    • I haven’t been bored in a long time. There are always books to read, movies to watch, pictures to take, and something to write. And in between, small vacations and visits with friends. But it’s definitely age related. I’ve had a lot of excitement. Now I revel in peace.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Yes there is something very comforting about the “The now of the ordinary here”.


  3. It’s odd you should talk about downtown changing and then put up a photo of a CVS…. our town is finally getting a CVS (We had two Walgreens stores forever, I have no idea what took them so long to move in), and the building is a hideous looking monstrosity that is being built in part of a strip mall parking lot where there had never been a building before, which only makes it look even more hideous. The only good thing is it’s completely obscuring the street view of my former bank, which is some nice karma for them…


    • That CVS caused quite a brawl. The ice cream store that had been there forever sold their land to the CVS. They got a LOT of money and we were all mourning the loss of home-made ice cream, but it turns out, they just got a new place down the road and one town over, so we have our ice cream and a big CVS. I have actually come to be grateful that we have at least one full service pharmacy. We needed it. We are very short of quality shops of all kinds. And the building isn’t too bad. It’s simple and it isn’t a strip mall, just the single store and parking lot.


  4. Love the post and love Mid Somer Murders as well.


    • Thanks. We are binging on it right now. I know we should take it slower so we won’t run out, but we here the theme song in our heads and we have to watch more! It’s a fun show. We like figuring out whodunnit before all the corpses are counted 🙂


  5. It’s strange, but taking photos, writing blogs and reading and seeing what the others do makes life so much more interesting. Realising that we all have our daily lives, but each detail of the life is interesting, tells a story, expresses a movement of some kind. We need this in our lives otherwise, wouldn’t it be boring?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh, absolutely. I think chronicling our daily life gives it a certain “gravitas.” It may not be dramatic, but it doesn’t mean it’s either dull or unimportant. Everything we do is important to us, often life or death important. If we just didn’t do all that stuff, we wouldn’t have ANY life very long.


  6. Drama is exhausting. Now and then a surge of adrenaline is fine, but on a daily basis? Like childbirth and raising kids, better the young should deal with it, I’ll just sit over here, thank you, and watch.


  7. Uneventfulness with a few highlights is my idea of wonderful. I’ve had enough crises and dramas, proved I can deal with them, don’t want anymore, and hyper-awareness is far too tiring to be enjoyable.


  8. Love this. Yes, the here and now of today, a feeling of contentment and just going about our days, doing what we enjoy doing is enough for me too.
