I went outside between rainstorms and took pictures, or so I thought, of the now-blooming lilacs. Later, I took pictures of my in-house plants and finally, pictures of a really pretty lady Cardinal and the new hanging plants Owen bought me for Mother’s day. I used two cameras, one of them twice.

The lilac pictures were first. I took maybe a couple of dozen pictures. I then removed the 32GB card from the OMD-EM1-M2 — the card that contained the lilac pictures and put it on the table, label up. I put in a 16GB card, then checked to see if the battery was still okay. It was. I picked up the OMD-EM10-M3 with the macro on it and took pictures of the new deck flowers, then came inside and took more pictures of the still-blooming orchids. I took the card out of that camera — it was another 32GB — and put it on top of the one that was already there and replaced it with another 32GB card.

So now I have two 32GB cards, one atop the other, but I noticed a really beautiful female cardinal out on the railing, so I grabbed the OMD-EM1-M2 because it has the 100-300 lens, the only good lens I’ve got that will “see” the bird and the lilacs. It’s a great lens. I took the 16GB card out, put it on top of the other two cards, and put another 32GB card back into the OMD-EM1-M2. I had to go make dinner, so I put the three cards in my back pocket. For later.

A few hours later, having never gotten to the computer, I finally sat down. I took the three cards out of my pocket. I put one card in the reader, but I had to get up again, so I left two of the cards in the dish where I put little things I don’t want to lose. Like SD Cards.

I finished making supper. Eating supper. Finally, I had the time to take a look at the pictures.

The cardinal was lovely and mostly in focus. The deck and indoor flowers looked good. The third SD Card — which was supposed to have lilacs — was blank. Did I accidentally delete those pictures while deleting other old pictures? I didn’t think I did. One way or the other, that blank card was supposed to be full of lilacs and wasn’t.

So I ask you, what happened to the lilacs? This post was supposed to be lilacs. If it doesn’t rain all day tomorrow, I might try again. I’ll probably find I put the card in the card container and put the blank one with the other cards. Unless I deleted them.

Take your best guess.

NOW, About AI …

Categories: #Flowers, #Photography, Cameras, Humor, Technology

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14 replies

  1. Could you have put the card in upside down?


    • Hi Janet! You can’t put them in upside down without breaking something and I’m really careful about NOT doing that. I’m betting I put it back into the case with the other dozen SD card and unknowingly took out a different one. I suppose I could try to check all the cards, but I’m not all that dedicated — and the lilacs are still blooming. I took more pictures yesterday. One day, I’ll put that card in a camera and it will be full of lilacs.


  2. that one with the cardinal and the lilacs is just out of this world! Bravo.
    My dad and my bro-in-law were the photographers at my 1st marriage. My father managed to put in the same film roll twice = zero usable photo. My then bro-in-law took about 20 pics of HiS bride and 4 unsharp ones of his brother and me…. no wonder the wedding was just the beginning of a long-lasting desaster! S..t happens.


  3. I haven’t lost one, at least not permanently. Usually if it’s not in the camera it’s in the reader. I use the same card for everyday use. I have often thought it would be a good idea to switch cards, one for doll photos and another for blogging perhaps but I never get around to it. I am sure if I had three or four cards on the go I would probably get them mixed up. I never delete photos from my cards. They are my second back up.


    • You should have spare cards. Sometimes, they go bad. And they are very cheap now. You shouldn’t really need anything bigger than a 16GB card. That will hold thousands of pictures, depending on what size picture you are shooting.

      Each time you use your camera and pull out your card, the odds of it getting scratched or just a wee bit damaged increases. Then, one day, you put the card in the camera and it says: “No card found.” Bummer. Or worse, you are trying to take a great picture and it errors out. Double bummer.


  4. I don’t think you deleted them. Probably a mixup with the cards


    • Probably. I’ve done this before — but I’ve also accidentally deleted pictures before. As long as the pictures I lose are not irreplaceable pictures of a wedding or something like that, I can handle it. I once lost a wedding, though that was because my lens was out of alignment and didn’t know it until the photos were developed (it was that long ago). I was relieved when they got divorced. They could finally stop being mad at me.

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