The Changing Seasons: October 2016

Hosted by Cardinal Guzman, this is a monthly challenge which shows the places we live and to which we travel — throughout the year and through all seasons. Locally, October is the unchallenged best photographic month. If you live in New England and you own a camera, October is when you feel you should be out there shooting, no matter what else is on your schedule. And basically, that’s what we have done. More than 2,000 pictures. Obviously, many (most?) remain to be processed … but these are some of the best.


Garry and I take more pictures in October than we do in any other six month period. Those of us who live in New England feel a compulsion to shoot as much as we can while Autumn is in town. The foliage doesn’t last long.

The pictures in this gallery were all taken on either 4 October or 7 October 2016.

This year, autumn has raced by. The first color appeared in the trees during the first week of October and peaked this week. Now, in many areas, the leaves are falling. Trees will soon be bare.

This bunch of pictures were all taken two days ago, 18 October 2016 at River Bend Farm, part of the Blackstone Valley Historic Corridor park system.

We’ve been out shooting every other day since the first week of the month and we were out today. I think by next week, we will be past the peak of the foliage and heading for the bronze and bare trees of November and the winter that follows.

This final group, taken today 20 October 2016 by the Blackstone River and Canal. You can see the difference of color from just a couple of days ago.

With Garry and I shooting together and so many pictures, I hope you’ll forgive the “mix and match” of our photographs. I’ve indicated who took which shots in the caption.

What’s this «Changing Seasons» blogging challenge?

«The Changing Seasons 2016» is a blogging challenge with two versions: the original (V1) which is purely photographic and the new version (V2) where you can allow yourself to be more artistic and post a painting, a recipe, a digital manipulation, or simply just one photo that you think represents the month. Anyone with a blog can join this challenge and it’ll run throughout 2017.
It doesn’t matter if you couldn’t join the first month(s), late-comers are welcomed.
These are the rules, but they’re not written in stone – you can always improvise, mix & match to suit your own liking:

These are the rules for Version 1 (The Changing Seasons V1):

  • Tag your posts with #MonthlyPhotoChallenge and #TheChangingSeasons
  • Each month, post 5-20 photos in a gallery.
  • Don’t use photos from your archive. Only new shots.

These are the rules for Version 2 (The Changing Seasons V2):

  • Tag your posts with #MonthlyPhotoChallenge and #TheChangingSeasons
  • Each month, post one photo (recipe, painting, drawing, whatever) that represents your interpretation of the month.
  • Don’t use archive stuff. Only new material!


Categories: #BlackstoneRiver, #gallery, Autumn, Garry Armstrong, New England

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33 replies

  1. I can understand why you go out so much during October with landscapes like these. In fact we travelled to New England one October ourselves purely to do the ‘leaf peeping’ thing 😀


  2. haha! I had to laugh at your comment about compulsive autumn photography. but you are so right – it is a beautiful season! nice galery.


  3. Your foliage pictures are always beautiful.


  4. Well, I certainly understand why you two are out there shooting so much. I was just complaining to Max (Cardinal Guzman) that everything is the same here. I’m waiting for something different to happen. Rain would be nice. Your photos- and the area- are gorgeous!


    • Thank you. It has been a very good, albeit rather brief, autumn. Now, it’s raining and is supposed to rain for the next couple of days. The rain will wash the leaves off the trees.When the sun comes back on Monday, half the trees will be bare and the rest, all brown. We always need rain, but it does ruin the autumn foliage. Still, we got two and a half incredibly beautiful weeks and we were out there shooting. Yesterday, too. I’m glad because today marks the end.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. That’s a lovely tribute to the season by both of you.


  6. Amazing photos. Like you say: the foliage doesn’t last long. One heavy rainfall and it’s all gone… I’m impressed by the amount of photos you taken during October. Not sure how many I’ve taken, but I’ll check it out!


    • Thank you !! I was astonished and a little bit shocked. I think Garry alone shot 250 to 300 frames each time we went out, and I was using a couple of different cameras, so it was probably at least as much, if not more. But when autumn’s over, there won’t be so much to photograph through the winter.

      I wish fall would last longer. A few extra weeks. I could live in this weather all year round.


  7. Some great photos. Parts of The States have really discovered what Autumn is all about. Both Mr. Swiss and I have discovered the beauty of it all. Perhaps it is an age thing.


  8. Beautiful pictures 😊


  9. Magnificent photos of the splendor of the fall season!



  2. The Changing Seasons: October 2016 – Cardinal Guzman
  3. The Changing Seasons Recap 2016 | Cardinal Guzman