My sun is in Pisces. Leo is rising, conjunct Saturn. My moon is in Scorpio.

Astrological selfie

Astrological selfie

Our astrological selves are composed of all signs, in different measures and potency. Like everything else, it’s complicated. This is astrological me. Feel free to read the chart, if you know how. No rants about astrology, pro or con.

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16 replies

  1. 🙂 Glad to be linking to this 🙂


  2. Neato!


  3. I had one of those online charts made up the first time I did an astrology themed project and still have it. It might make an entertaining post someday to look up what all those individual components are supposed to mean about me. Seems like your symbols are nice and spread out, while almost all of mine areclustered onto one half of the graph…


    • No two charts are the same. Which side, left or right? I’m betting more than half are also in the lower half and you sound like a left side sorta guy. But people surprise me. Yes, I am well distributed, though not really balanced, but that’s really complicated. Being all spread out isn’t necessary the best way to be. It’s like being one of those seen-on-TV tools that does everything, but nothing really well?


  4. Can’t read this sign, but it is looks very creative. 🙂
    Btw: Love your header picture.


    • Creative filtering and layers 🙂 The header is one picture using at least four or five filters (maybe more) before it looked the way I wanted it to look. This picture was simpler. No filtering, but using layers and conversion. I took the selfie — I even put on some makeup so I would not have to spend an hour getting rid of the black rings under my eyes — then converted it and the horoscope (which I already had) to black & white. Then I made them the same size so I could put the horoscope over the picture. I wanted my eye in the middle, which was easier than I expected. It took a bit of time because I was experimenting, but it wasn’t difficult. It just used functions I don’t use often — or at all. A learning experience that turned out pretty well.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. love the way you superimposed the chart on your selfie. I see you are getting the hang of the selfie- go Marilyn!


    • I have (now) four cameras that all have that swingaround screen for selfies. I don’t much like selfies, but sometimes, if I need a picture of me for something, it’s a lot faster than getting Garry to do it. He’s good and the pictures he takes of me are much better than selfies — much more flattering — but by the time he finds the light he wants and gets me where he wants me, well … I just needed a closeup with my eye in the middle 🙂 Selfies are for the young and smooth of skin. At my age, it’s an adventure of painful self-awareness.


      • I do agree that selfies do not make for the most flattering photos! My phone defaults to beauty setting which casts a soft glow and hides wrinkles!!


  6. lol, I can’t rant pro or con, I know nothing about it, snicker snicker


    • Good. This is one of those arguments I’ve had far too many times with hundreds of people. People think astrology is what you read in the newspaper. It isn’t.


      • I think what I’ve seen (which is very little and probably covers the chart you shows snicker snicker) is about all I know. Interesting and one day I’ll have to delve into it.



  1. BLACK & WHITE SUNDAY: SIGN | Lost in Translation