Hidden – A fun challenge from Cee!

The WordPress weekly photo challenge is taking some time off, but Cee had an idea to create something else for the day, which she has called hidden. Her pictures are about cats.

Cats love to hide. Dogs, not so much. My dogs, at least, are pretty much “out there.” So I had to look for other kinds of hidden things.

Antique tractor hiding under Virginia Creeper vines

Outside, tractor hiding in falling snow

Little car hiding in snowdrift


Categories: #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge

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20 replies

  1. You have not mentioned them as i recall, so i’m hoping the creepy caterpillars were in hiding this year also?? 🙂

    That sure is one heck of a snowdrift! I’m very grateful i only get the photo and not the actual drift.;-)



    • We managed to get by without caterpillars. We got sprayed, then we got sprayed a second time … and it rained enough so that most of them died before they finished eating all the trees. They weren’t in hiding, but they didn’t do the amount of damage they did the year before. Yay!


  2. So, where do we hide..?


  3. Love the green of the Virginia Creeper vines. Can’t bear to think about the snow.


  4. Marilyn you found some great photos to go with hidden. Wonderful. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  5. A hidden tractor is very mysterious. No chance in Switzerland. It would be removed as spoiling the landscape

    Liked by 1 person

  6. That rusty tractor is a lovely photo. And so is that yellow car in a snowdrift.

    Liked by 2 people