Tentative. Is that like when WordPress puts up a “word of the day” but can’t connect it so we write about it, but no one really sees it? If I think about it, that would probably be a lot closer to ineffective, wouldn’t you agree?


This is a very tentative afternoon for me. I’m tentatively considering washing the kitchen floor, but it’s raining and will be for at least one more day. Our dogs have muddy paws. Tentatively, I should (maybe) schedule it for … oh I don’t know … later. Sometime. Friday-ish.

Uh huh. That’s it. Later.

I’m feeling too tentative today to bother writing about this. Tentatively, I’ll think about doing it tomorrow. Or, maybe, never. Sometimes “tentative,” “ineffective,” and “never” are not very far apart.

Categories: Humor

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13 replies

  1. Nope they are not too far apart! Love it.


  2. It would be most ineffective to wash the floor today.


  3. Embeecee, I didn’t see one response yesterday, said 68 ppl had responded, um, where? I always enjoy what you write, Marilyn, sincerely, nothing tentative about your thoughts or viewpoints. You are always on target. However, floors? Um yeah, I’m tentatively thinking about washing them, but it’s raining cats and dogs here and two wet and very rainsoaked muddy cats came in. I see tracks as they dry. Porsche jumped on my bed. argh. I washed all my blankets Yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!! now I tentatively have to wash them again. Hurting too much to drag them to the machine and load and unload so there’s no tentative about it, they’ll wait until later.. haha


    • Exactly my point. I have learned over the years that big cleaning efforts when the pets and/or kids are going to UNdo it almost instantly is stupid. Instead of getting at least the brief satisfaction of clean floors for a day or two, I feel cheated. Immediately. And speaking of clean, I’m off to the showers where my hair is about to be laundered!


  4. Actually (apparently anyway) the Daily Post contributions are seen. I did one (Sting) and there are still no responses available on the post itself, but I’ve had a lot of folks comment on mine, so somewhere it’s connecting. More annoying (tentatively) is the “You CANNOT comment on this post” red warning bubbles that pop up on each and every blog I try to reply to. Erg.


  5. Nothing tentative about today. We’re both TIRED, FRIED and, um, “Under the weather”.


  6. Your effectiveness at writing is never tentative.


    • I think it is possible I am suffering from automatic writing. I put the fingers on the keyboard and something falls out. I am frequently surprised that it’s coherent.


  7. I often think “let’s leave it today”, but tentatively I do it all the same. I must be a daily prompt addict, yes that’s it.


    • As I get more tired, I find it a lot easier to just put whatever is is off another day. I feel exhausted all the time. I’d think it was just me, but so it Garry. Maybe it’s the pollen?
