I know it’s that time of year again. For one thing, there’s five inches of snow on the driveway and we haven’t hired a plow, so it better melt pretty fast. Lucky we have a 4-wheel drive car parked up at the top, eh?

Owen’s going to come by in his jeep and try to flatten it out so we can walk up to the car and not fall on the ice. There’s more weather expected Tuesday … but hopefully, it won’t accumulate. Much depends on the temperature. If it isn’t too cold, it won’t stick. But you can never tell this time of year. Anything could happen and by anything, I mean it could be balmy spring weather or deep, bitter cold. With or without snow.

It is lovely outside. The last of the snow is clinging to tree branches, though it is melting pretty fast now. I know I should be taking pictures, but I’m tired. We were doing GREAT on our lovely little vacation in Connecticut until that torturous drive home. More on that later.

I couldn’t take pictures of the torturous drive home because my camera fell out of my bag in the Curleys driveway. They found it, so it is safe … but of course, it was the only camera I had brought with me. Ironic. I always bring at least two cameras … and this time of year, boots because weather in New England is crazy. This time, in one of my rare efforts to pack lightly, I didn’t bring any boots. I didn’t even bring extra shoes.

“Garry,” I said, “The bags are light. I didn’t even bring boots. It’s not going to snow.” I said that with the kind of certainty that only someone who is completely wrong could possibly muster.

Garry complete agreed with me. He brought what could only be described as tennis shoes.

It snowed. In Connecticut and all the way home. And kept snowing. When I woke this morning, I could hear thudding outside, which I assumed — correctly — was clods of snow melting and falling on the roof.

Have a holly jolly Christmas and don’t forget to decorate with loaves of challah.

We all need diversity in our lives. The more, the better.

Categories: #Photography, Blackstone Valley, Christmas, climate change, Pets, snow

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33 replies

  1. It’s always the way. You go away somewhere, and neglect to pack something of importance. I do it each and every time.
    You have Challah in the title and now I think I’m going to have to make stuffed Challah french toast for Christmas morning. LOL!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Glad you made it home safe. Challah has to be the best bread out there. It is hard to find in my area. Any time we see it, we scoop it up!


  3. I am with you all way. It always snows at the wrong time in the wtong place. We were lucky today because it was Sunday because we could stay at home and not go places. First we had snow all morning and part of the afternoon and then it rained. Afterwards temperatures dropped to freezing and now their are bad road accidents on the Swiss roads. The only good thing is that I can take photos of the snow and the birds. I am glad you arrived home safely, although not a good trip for the nerves.


    • It’s funny that people get so crazy around here when winter shows up. This IS New England and we get weather. We get snow. We get a lot of snow and we get it almost every year. The problem with yesterday was that we didn’t expect it and we weren’t ready. The plows weren’t in place at home or in town, so the roads got slick. Today it is all melting, but the sun is down and it will freeze overnight, so the accident rate will be WAY up in the morning.

      I love the beauty of snow, but like you, falling is a big issue in my world. Just getting from the house to the car at the top of the driveway is difficult, so from this point on, unless everything melts again, I don’t go out much. Slippery isn’t good for us.


  4. Well we don’t need the snow because our rivers and lakes are over flowing. I’m shocked to see the snow in the southern US, what is happening? It’ll be here soon but it seems to be coming from the south.
    I’m glad you didn’t lose your camera, Marilyn that would have been a real downer.


    • Despite their wails, they do get ice and snow every year. Not as much as they used to. North Carolina used to get a LOT of snow, but climate change has been going on for a couple of hundred years — slowly until recently when it sped up. Even Florida. Every time they get one of these freezes, they lose orange crops and we learn that OJ prices are going up again. Good I don’t drink it much anymore because it’s going to be WAY up there this year.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. said that with the kind of certainty that only someone who is completely wrong could possibly muster – I had to laugh my ass off at that one! holy crap that was quite funny. I love love love the snow,just not the getting around in it difficulties.


  6. We don’t have much more than a dusting of snow. My Colombian friend believes it is beautiful, since he has never seen snow before. If it looks like this on Christmas, it will be perfect. Then it can go away until next year.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Glad you made it home safe and sound. Sorry about the camera, though.


  8. Glad you made it home in one piece! x

    Liked by 1 person

    • The roads weren’t too bad. Very little accumulation on the asphalt … but between the accidents and the plows, it was a long, slow crawl. Tired. We are very tired but we are otherwise fine 🙂


      • Sleep and warmth will ease the tired, hopefully. It snowed here too and we don’t do snow in the south very well 🙂


        • The weather is shifting dramatically. North America is drying up and burning down — floods and all. Or, as Garry put it, you don’t need a scientific expert to recognize climate change. Just look out the window. Meanwhile, after years of wishing we lived in southern California, we are extremely glad we don’t.

          Your world looks beautiful. Snow IS beautiful. It is just we are getting old and it’s hard to shovel and I can’t plod through drifts like I did. But probably it’s better than the fires.


          • I know. It is easy to look back on childhood weather with rose coloured glasses, but it was defnitely different and the weather we are having these days is dangerously different.

            I ache in places I’d forgotten with walking in the snow today… and it wasn’t that deep…


            • Our reaction to it is definitely VERY different … but the weather truly WAS different. Even when we moved here, 20 years ago, it was different. We had a lot of snow, but it was a lot of small snow storms. A few inches. Sometimes we got an inch or two almost every day, but blizzards were rare and days school was called off VERY rare. Now, they have to set aside at least a full week of extra days for “snow days” because the roads are impassable.

              Spring floods are gone and by the end of summer, the rivers are showing their bottom. This has been a rainy year compared to the last few which were even more dry … but by September, the rivers were still mud bottom up.

              The slow weather changes have turned into a speedway of changes. Winters are longer, colder, snowier, but spring is dry without the early rainy months of April and May. Autumn was gone this year … less than one week and then the trees were bare. No cold snap, either. Our cold snap is probably coming this week, finally.

              We came back yesterday and we hurt everywhere — and all we had been doing is driving. It was a difficult drive, but still …

              I don’t know if we CAN change the climate. I’m not sure we haven’t done so much wrong to it, that it will do what it does regardless, but we could try. Seriously try. I get so depressed about the earth, the animals, the water, the air. I never thought I could get depressed about things that aren’t personal to me, but in many ways, the way we are killing the earth bothers me more than anything else and I don’t see an end to it.


              • I think such things are extremely personal…and the fact that we see their fate as any way distant from our is is where half the problems have their roots. We have lorded it over the planet for a little while and done untold damage.We know the weather patterns do their own thing too, but that is no excuse for what mankind has done to the earth and the weather. But ultimately, we will suffer for it.


  9. If there’s one thing we’ve learned in all our years is that you never voice something like “it’s not going to snow”, or “there won’t be any traffic” aloud lest the fates overhear and decide to act childishly, just to prove you wrong.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Garry pointed that out. I said something like that before we left for home from Connecticut. It’s not even 100 miles port to port and in decent traffic, we can do it in two hours, no problem. It took four. Accidents were only one of the problems. The other were snow plows. There wasn’t any snow on the ground. They were driving three at a time, side by side, both on route 84 in Connecticut AND on the Mass Pike. We’ve never seen that before. They could have staggered them so traffic could pass, but they didn’t. They were going 20 mph and you could NOT pass them. They are HUGE. You could HIT them with several cars and all they would do is laugh.

      Garry is a pedal to the metal kind of guy and there is nothing that makes him crazier than really slow traffic. It was a white-knuckles trip. I should just shut up.


  10. Bear says she’s arriving on the next train. I’m laughing at her.


    • You know, I actually tried to figure out how to get down to Arizona from here by train. It turns out, the tracks are in really crappy shape, so you can’t do it. You have to get off the train, take buses, then reboard a new train, new seats — and haul your luggage — and your great big white dog, too. So we gave up and flew. If the trains worked properly, life would be better. Because you CAN take dogs on a train and they don’t have to be stuffed into the baggage area, either. And … I actually LIKE trains.

      We got about 5 inches in all. It’s melting at the moment. We are supposed to get more on Tuesday. So much for my easy winter. If we didn’t live on the downward slope of Aldrich Street, life would be easier. We live at the bottom of the bunny slope.


      • I sometimes enjoy watching YouTube films of train journeys. Admittedly some are pretty terrible but some people do a good job of documenting their trips and not so long ago I was watching one about the Southwest Chief i think it was, Chicago to Las Angeles. Travelling across the USA by train has been something I’ve wanted to do ever since reading about “The Golden Spike” in Primary School. I would not enjoy being shuttled onto buses though. Probably just as well I can’t afford it anyway.
