Share Your World – March 26, 2018

It is already a week past the Vernal Equinox and it’s still surprisingly cold here. Not mid-winter cold, though and in the middle of the day, you can feel the sun.

With the change of time, we are also getting a more normal sunset. I always feel better on DST than the rest of the year. It feels “natural” and the arrival of the light in the morning feels right. Full dark at 7 in the morning always feels “off.”

What is your favorite color of hair? You can name your hair color or a color that you just like.

And the answer is — I never thought about it. I have liked natural blond hair, however rarely I see it. I had a good friend who had the most amazing blond hair in the world. Then one day, she chopped it off, I suppose because she wearied of the amount of care very long hair requires. I understood the motive, but I mourned the amazing hair and it’s many intermixing colors.

I like dark hair too. Natural hair with natural highlights. You don’t see a lot of natural anything in hair these days. No one seems happy with whatever nature bestowed on them. I liked my hair well enough, even though it was never the same color two weeks in a row. It was very dark brown when I was a kid, but lightened up to a dark amber brown — what some hairdressers called dark blond but to me was brown with lighter highlights. Then it began to go gray.

It didn’t go gray evenly or elegantly. Just patches of battleship gray here and there. So much for natural! For the next 40 years (I went gray when I was still in my 20s) I dyed it back to what had once been my color.

Then, I had some serious life and death surgery and when I came home, my hair was not gray — it was snow-white. You hear that such a thing is possible in books, but to have it happen to you is more than a little startling. I gave up dying my hair. The difference between white and even light brown was too abrupt and I always looked a bit skunkish, with white streaks here and there along my scalp.

Since going white, my hair has reverted to a bit brown in some areas (yes, you can revert to brown from white — hair is a moving target) and darker gray in others, but it’s mostly white. I gave up dying it a long time ago. I am pleasantly surprised at how many older actresses have done the same. Probably for the same reason.

It’s nearly impossible to maintain another color when your hair is white. The contrast is intense and you would have to keep retouching it every few days to keep from showing white stripes.  White is not a bad color either Highly reflective and interesting. And, should you get the urge to change to some other color in the spectrum, it’s easy when the base color is white.

List at least 5 things that you are good at.

Writing. Taking pictures. Figuring out how to pay bills when we have no money. Thinking really weird thoughts. Writing the weird thoughts down, then blogging them. Because no one has enough weird ideas of their own. They need mine, too!

What is your favorite animal or type of animal? (pets, dolphins, stuffed, wild cats, etc)

I’m pretty fond of dogs, but I also love horses, cats, birds and ferrets. If it’s friendly and furry, I probably like it.

Which doesn’t mean I want to have them in the house. I think we have enough life here already.

What did you appreciate or what made you smile this past week?  

The news made me howl. It has gotten so ridiculous, I can choose to laugh or I can spend my life ranting and raging about it. Laughter is better for one’s soul and a lot easier on the people around you!

Categories: #Photography, Humor, old photograph, Personal

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11 replies

  1. I love your white hair. I didn’t actually think that you could turn white overnight. I am fascinated that it can happen. That’s pretty special, isn’t it? I’m sorry that you had to have scary life-and-death surgery though.


    • I thought that was a rumor … but it happened and I know at least one other woman to whom it happened. It’s pretty strange, too. Sometimes, the color comes back. You can’t count on it, but it has been known to happen. The human body is an amazing thing, isn’t it?


  2. Thanks so much for sharing this week. 😀 I have to tell you I’ve not watched news in nearly 20+ years. Sorry Garry.

    Liked by 1 person

    • No worries, Cee. I am glad I’m no longer on the tube. It’s nice that people remember me.


  3. I’m just glad my brother seems to be making a recovery. It’s been a hard week waiting for news of his progress.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. One of my managers used to have skunk hair. She was always trying to dye the gray out of it, but it always grew back in really fast and of course along the scalp. So it was dark brown with a glaring gray streak down the middle. I’ll just gray naturally, and if it ever turns pure gray, I’ll be extremely thrilled I made it around long enough for that to even happen…

    Liked by 1 person

    • I like your hair looks. You look good with White hair — sexy dignity.

      As for me, hair color doesn’t matter.I just want MORE of my hair back, especially on top. I don’t want to become a chrome dome.

      5 things good at: Writing, taking pics. That’s it. (I can still talk up a storm if you give me a mic)

      Favorite Animals: DOGS, cats, horses, ferrets, boids.

      Smile event: TODAY — opening day for Major League Beisbol. YAY. Take 2 and go to right.


    • Squirrel, back in my working days, the gray crept into my hair. I thought it looked distinguished. Maybe made me look intelligent? One of the suits called me in and told me “they didn’t think I looked like the familar Garry Armstrong”. You know what I did next…..


  5. The news is developing into a comedy show so better laugh than despair

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