NOTHING GOLD CAN STAY – Marilyn Armstrong

A Photo a Week Challenge: Gold

I live in the land of gold, at least for somewhere around a month every year. Autumn is golden time here in the northeast unless we are rudely interrupted by a hurricane or a very early snow. Sometimes, the gold lasts right through November and finally vanishes in December.

Lackey Dam, ducks and a swan

Mallards on the Mumford

Followed about one week later by a major blizzard. I’m not sure why, but that’s the way it seems to work.

Categories: #BlackstoneRiver, #foliage, #gallery, #Photography, Autumn, Blackstone Valley, Photo A Week Challenge, Swans and herons

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12 replies

  1. Autumn is my favorite season. Here in Utah, it only lasts about a week, if we are lucky. Beautiful photos, Marilyn. Thanks, as always, for joining the challenge!


    • Ours was just about 10 days long last year. A very short one with a long summer followed by a very long winter. But at least we got a week of spring this year. Sometimes, we don’t get any.

      Usually, fall lasts at least a month, but weather can alter that. Rain ruins it and wind just blows the leaves off the trees!

      Liked by 1 person

      • In Utah, we usually say we have two seasons: winter and road construction. We’ve already hit the 90s in temperatures, so summer is hitting with full-force this year.


  2. Gorgeous photos to accompany Frost’s verse, Marilyn!


  3. Nice pics…, really nice Marilyn


  4. Stunning photos Marilyn, I do love the gold touches.


  5. Sometimes I think I love autumn even more than spring.


    • Autumn is definitely THE season here. Spring may or may not actually happen. Sometimes, we get a beauty, but as often as not, it’s cold until one day, it’s summer. It has always been like that in New England so when we really GET spring, it’s great. Generally, though we can count on Autumn. If only it wasn’t followed by winter!
