Trump and America’s Xenophobic Soul: Reblog – SHINBONE STAR

It started before the Revolution and despite the Civil War and Constitutional amendments, racism has never gone away. Those of us who are the targets of America’s hatefulness –all dark-skinned people, Native Americans, Jews, Muslims, Hispanic — basically, anyone whose ancestry was not white European– we all knew. Or should have known.

My mother tried to warn me, but I thought the bad old days were over and she was just being cynical.

I’m glad she isn’t alive. She would hate — and recognize — this “new” world. Because it’s not new. It’s creaking with age and cruelty.



In the 1956 movie “Forbidden Planet” the characters come to the realization the monster that’s been steadily kicking their ass is a projection of the id from the subconscious of the ridiculously pompous Dr. Morbius.

Since Donald Trump broke out with his bullshit about former President Barack Obama’s birth certificate, professional and academic credentials and then still was elected president, I considered Trump to be a monstrous projection of white America’s id.

Nope. It’s way worse.

I think Trump is the embodiment of the Krell machines — (do yourself a favor and watch this film, it’s worth your time) channeling America’s id into a racist, xenophobic, anti-Semitic, anti-LGBTQ 30 percent core of electoral malevolence called the GOP.

After these weeks of rolling outrage, it is obvious that everyone now blaming the president for this hostile environment is missing the point: Trump isn’t the disease, he is the symptom.

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Categories: #American-history, political parties, Politics, Racism and Bigotry, Reality, reblog

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4 replies

  1. Have to admit, that movie is one of our favorites.
    More importantly, I have to say that I am far far more horrified by what Trump’s election has revealed about us than I am about the bigoted bloviator himself. I was naive enough to think that we had actually made some progress until all of these insect came crawling so swiftly from under their rocks.


  2. Forbidden Planet was the movie that made me a science fiction fan. It was one of the first couple of recorded videotapes I bought and even today, still a favorite. I have my own battery operated-1970s Robbie.

    I keep telling people that this didn’t come out of one election. We’ve been heading this way for a long time.
