THE CHANGING SEASONS: MAY 2019 – Marilyn Armstrong

The Changing Seasons, May 2019

Photography: Garry and Marilyn Armstrong

It has been a weird month of May. A lot of rain, a lot of cold days with and without rain, then a couple of hot muggy days. Immediately followed by cooler dry days and then wet, quite cold days. It’s only in the low 50s right now and will be in the mid-40s tonight. That is cold for this time of year.

Flowers – Marilyn Armstrong

Weather forecasts these days are closer to guesses than they used to be. There’s so much very bad, dangerous weather rolling across the continent. Tornadoes, flooding, violent thunderstorms only a few miles south of here. As long as the winds don’t change, all we are going to get is drenching rain.

Mumford Dam and River – Garry and Marilyn Armstrong

The gardens look pretty sad. There are flowers, but everything, even the Hosta, is droopy and no really fully developed. Except for Solomon’s Seal — which is happy in gray rainy weather — everything else looks like it wishes it could have stayed in the ground.

The Village – Garry Armstrong

There were a few good days and we went out for one, and Garry for another. Otherwise, it was some of the flowers and of course, the birds.

Boys and the River – Garry and Marilyn Armstrong

The pictures make it look like we’ve had a lovely, sunny month. The truth is that all of the pictures were taken over a period of five sunny days. The rest of the months was gray, rainy, and mostly, cold.

The following pictures of the birds may tell more of the story because the birds get really hungry when the weather is cold and rainy. When it’s bright and sunny, they tend to ignore us. Also, they aren’t happy with us right now because we bought cheaper food. It’s not bad food, but it has less of the more expensive components because rain or not, there’s real, live food all over the woods. There are bugs and fruit and nuts to eat and they don’t need to depend on our buffet.

Birds – Marilyn Armstrong

Except for the squirrels. They have completely given up finding their own food. As far as they are concerned, they own us and expect a good, solid meal every single day. They ate ALL the food in two days this week. I mean down to the last few seeds at the very bottom of the hanging feeder. And they did it while we weren’t looking.

The Red Christmas Cactus – Marilyn Armstrong

Macro red cactus

Murderer’s Row – Marilyn Armstrong

They have figured out when we are around — and when we aren’t. They are smarter than people think!

About The Changing Seasons

The Changing Seasons is a monthly challenge where bloggers around the world share what’s been happening in their month.

If you would like to join in, here are the guidelines:

The Changing Seasons Version One (photographic):

      • Each month, post 5-20 photos in a gallery that you feel represent your month
      • Don’t use photos from your archive. Only new shots.
      • Tag your posts with #MonthlyPhotoChallenge and #TheChangingSeasons so that others can find them

The Changing Seasons Version Two (you choose the format):

      • Each month, post a photo, recipe, painting, drawing, video, whatever that you feel says something about your month
      • Don’t use archive stuff. Only new material!
      • Tag your posts with #MonthlyPhotoChallenge and #TheChangingSeasons so others can find them.

If you do a pingback to Su-Leslie’s post, she will update it with links to your post.

Categories: #Flowers, #gallery, #Photography, Blackstone Valley, climate change, Nature

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45 replies

  1. Before I bought our two feeders, I read up on what kind of birds use each kind of feeder. Since I had no idea what or who would be feeding, I bought those that seemed very sturdy — NOT the cheapest but not the most expensive, either. Despite repeated squirrel attacks, they are functional.

    When you don’t know what will show up — and we really didn’t have a clue — you just buy sturdy and get good quality feed. We went middle of the road, price-wise. There are REALLY expensive feeders. I couldn’t (wouldn’t) spend that much money for anything right now. If you use Amazon, check out Stokes Select. They are acceptably priced and I can guarantee they will survive squirrels, falling a couple of stories, multiple cleanings, refilling, the clinging of many, many squirrels.


  2. I love all the photos of greenery, maybe all the rain made the green especially lush? I also especially like the birds! I wonder if I put out a bird feeder outside my very city balcony I can attract some birds to me. 🙂


    • You never know. Certainly, pigeons will show up, but a lot of birds nest on the ledges of tall buildings. Falcons live there too, but they don’t eat seeds. They do eat pigeons. Squirrels might show up. They seem to have a real sniffer for fresh food. It’s worth a try, anyway. They make special feeders that sit very close to windows designed for city housing. Give it a whirl. Just be sure to buy seeds that are appropriate to your area of the country.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Great work for four days. Hope the June weather turns out kinder.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Those boys must be really tough. Cannot imagine them being in that surely very cold water. But makes for super lovely photos! Love all of them, anyway…. For a weatherwise bad month you have gathered a great show of terrific pictures. And of course the murderer squirrels….. 😉

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Wow! Photo overload! 🙂

    But they are all gorgeous pics – even the squirrel is cute.

    Glad you got some ‘Spring’ flowers in your garden but sorry about your weather. We got four or so cloudy days (even some with ‘rain’ – of a kind!) this month, pretty much the opposite to yours, as per usual. 26.5 degrees C (80 F) today with the same predicted for our first official day of Winter tomorrow… Brrrrrr! Our ‘Christmas’ cactus are almost in full flower it’s so cold.

    Have been seeing and hearing on our news reports of the foul weather some states have been getting for the last 15 days in a row!! Guess you could have had worse?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Beautiful pictures!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. It does look like it might be here.


  8. Lovely pictures.


  9. Lovely array of spring photos!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Murderer’s Row—-!! I was waiting for the squirrels to make an appearance!

    Liked by 1 person

    • They are around all the time, but I had so many pictures from last month, I didn’t take more this month. But this was one of the squirrel’s refused to leave and tried to leap into the feed bin. He missed and spilled the entire bin onto the ground, two stories below. He went down with the feeder. NOT to worry, he was back in just about two minutes. Alas, the bin was empty. He would have to go compete with the doves and other ground feeding birds!

      Liked by 1 person

      • “A” for effort–oh my gosh, Marilyn!

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        • I basically went through the month of pictures and formed them into mosaics. We didn’t get out much, but when we did, we really shot a LOT of pictures. Garry and I tend to overshoot!

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          • I think our last “good weather day” was inspirational, topped off by the boys and the river – so Norman Rockwell. Just needed “Stand By Me” playing.


      • Squirrel, despite repeated warnings and a posting, just came back to the refilled bird feeder. A wanker like a place like this…why?


    • Lois, I just rewatched “The Untouchables” (the feature film version) the other night. Squirrel reminds me of one of Capone’s thugs.

      Liked by 1 person


  1. The Changing Seasons, May 2019 | Zimmerbitch
  2. IN THE SPIRIT OF DOING WHAT EVERYONE ELSE IS DOING … Marilyn Armstrong | Serendipity Seeking Intelligent Life on Earth