SQUARES FROM BEFORE – Marilyn Armstrong


There are all those flying squirrels … and then there are the squirrels that leap from branch to branch. No gliding, but some very serious leaping!

And they are always up there … and up and up. The squirrels haven’t taken possession of the feeders this year nearly as much as they did last year. Maybe it’s all the competition from the rather aggressive Cowbirds and woodpeckers, and of course the night raids by dozens of flying squirrels and the raccoons.

High up, looking down

Definitely high up

Up on the feeder

Categories: #animals, #Photography, #Squirrel, Marilyn Armstrong, Wildlife

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13 replies

  1. I love the special effects. My that squirrel looks healthy.


    • But he has a tear in his tail. Something (a fox or a coyote?) tried to catch him and he got away. But squirrels and chipmunks are every predators favorite dinner and that’s why they don’t live long in the wild. I still don’t think they belong in cages, early death notwithstanding.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Stellar photos – thank you so much.


    • I tried all three of my major cameras yesterday and I have about 140 pictures to show for it. My “pocket” camera — which is NOT a lightweight camera — really isn’t good for this kind of photography. Its auto-focus is very non-discriminating and always wants to “go deep.” It’s great outside, but from inside, it gets very confused about where to focus. But outside, in brighter light, it is more willing to compromise on focusing where YOU want it. It’s the trade-off we make with auto-focus. Those of us with bad vision get more pictures we can use, but we don’t have much control of the process. I miss the control.

      Liked by 1 person

      • agree – when I think what wonderful close-ups I used to take – now it’s the camera ‘who’s deciding’ …. oh well!


    • I enjoy our zoo. I wish I could protect them better. All I can do is feed them. The rest is what nature does.


  3. Looks very contented with its breakfast!


    • They don’t eat as much as they seem to be eating. It’s the raccoons that really EAT. All the other creatures, including both kinds of squirrels, don’t eat as much as three raccoons in a two-hour span in the middle of the night. MAN those raccoons can really knock back the seeds. We filled both big feeders last night (the little one is just food for finches), so it should last a long time. This morning, both of the 10-lb. feeders are nearly empty! Obesity is a big problem with raccoons. I can see why! The good news? They’ll be too fat to climb onto the deck soon.


  4. Here we see the non-flyers. But they are pretty quick too
