Just as I suspected, the parking lot was almost empty when we got there around noon today. It was post doctor and post laboratory. Garry needed labs for his appointment on Friday and I needed them for my appointment today. It wouldn’t have taken nearly as long if I had any veins, but each year they get more difficult to find.

I take so many medications — bunches of blood pressure meds and pain-killers and anti-migraine stuff — that every now and then the doctor figures he needs to see if I have functional kidneys. I occasionally wonder myself.

It’s a very medical couple of months. Garry and I both have appointments this week. I have a phoner tomorrow and my cardiologist (annual checkup) at the end of the month.

One of Garry’s hearing aids — not the cochlear implant; the other one — stopped working over the weekend. I think it has been going bad for a while because his hearing has gotten worse. I didn’t know why (and neither did he), but he has also been complaining that this aid seemed to need an awful lot of batteries. So something was wrong. The question is what — and how expensive will it be to fix?

Also, my (our, actually) doctor wants to send me to his favorite pain clinic. Although everyone has already told me there’s nothing they can do for  me, he says these people are miracle workers. I’m definitely up for a miracle. I’m just wondering how they are going to get the information they need when they can’t take an MRI because of my metal, magnetic Pacemaker. That should be interesting. I have nothing to lose but money — those Cat-scans and other tests can wind up expensive and we are SO broke. Still, maybe they can come up with an answer. Or something that helps. Anything that would help me get a night’s sleep would be really nice. It is so ironic that the pain is worst trying to sleep. I should probably sleep in the recliner, but I like going to bed. Cozy comforter, soft pillows, and the warm bodies of dog and husband  are just not available in a chair.

I like this early voting thing. Especially out here in the boonies, it make voting SO much easier! AND it isn’t mail-in voting. This way, at least I know the vote actually made it to the poll and don’t have to worry about whether or not the postman forgot to deliver it.

We even took some pictures and as soon as I can force myself to download them, I’ll find something appropriate for this and at least one more post.

Categories: Anecdote, Architecture, Blackstone Valley, Election, Medical, Uxbridge, Voting

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11 replies

  1. Maybe you can find a compromise between bed and recliner? They have wedge pillows in all sorts of shapes and sizes, and that might help you sit up enough to get some good rest (and one doctor I saw, trying to encourage the use of my C-pap by me; told me that lack of restful sleep actually promotes more pain? ) and still enjoy your cozy bed. I sleep reclined all the time now, I can’t breathe if I lie flat and it is getting more uncomfortable at night with increasing pain levels as it gets colder. I hope you find the solution! Chronic pain is NOT funny at all.


    • We have a movable bed. Have had it for nearly 20 years and the mattress is new, too. The back is just bad. I can’t stay in any single position for long. I sort of lock up. What worries me is if it is this bad NOW, what am I going to be like in another few years? That is downright scary.


  2. I frequently get in bed and find pain keeps me awake – pain that I didn’t notice I had before I got in bed. I guess I’m really good at denial as long as I can keep my mind focused on other things. As it get older it seems to be patch, patch, patch. Stay safe and well, Marilyn.


    • I think it’s also keeping busy. When I’m up, I’m usually doing something — writing a post, processing photos, cooking dinner, throwing doggie balls and toys, answering recorded calls that are supposed to be from Social Security or the IRS or even watching a movie or reading a book. So I don’t notice the back as much. Also, the reclining loveseat IS very comfortable. My back likes being at a angle, not flat. Even though we have a movable bed, finding the right position is tricky. I think we are all better off being busy and much as I hate housework, sometimes vacuuming beats out sitting around wondering what I can take that might make me feel better in one place without making me worse somewhere else!


      • LOL – at your last pondering what to take that always has a trade-off. Keeping ourselves functioning can be confusing and challenging at times.


  3. It would be lovely if the doctor could help your pain, Marilyn. I also wouldn’t like sleeping in a reclining chair, it just isn’t quite the same as a bed. I’m glad you managed to get your voting done.


    • That constant pain is horrendous. My daughter goes through it every day with her back and has for 43 years. Pain pills might give her an hour or two of relief, but nothing provides real release. So, I can imagine, too well, what you have to endure. I hope they find something that will make you more comfortable.


    • I know people who have given up and sleep in a chair, but there’s something so comforting about a bed. I’m glad we voted too. I like this early voting. Nice empty parking lot, no long lines and it’s DONE. No waiting for postal delivery!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Any medication that would — in theory — work better I either can’t take or won’t take because it makes me stupid. So if there’s anything anyone can do that doesn’t involve even more med — I take a huge amount already, mostly for blood pressure — would be good. Also, the more you take, the more weird interactions you get and after a while, you don’t even know what is actually wrong. Is it you or the medication? I can’t not take the BP stuff. My heart is doing surprisingly well post-surgery and I’d like to keep it doing its think. Maybe this pain clinic will work and they have a miracle waiting for me. I can certainly hope!

      Liked by 1 person

      • I really hope so too, Marilyn. I have recently been diagnosed with high blood pressure from years of work related pressure and chronic stress. Currently I am just taking one pill a day. It’s making my BP lower than average but without it, my BP goes up to over 170/110 and stays there which is rather frightening.
