2019 and It’s here! The Republican Convention — the big show for which we’ve been waiting, the hottest party to hit Cleveland since 1997 when the Sox won the American League Pennant but lost the Series. The first day wasn’t quite as thrilling as pundits have been touting. It had its moments, but not many.

For example, there were no shootings or riots. Trump didn’t say anything wildly outrageous, or at least nothing I can remember. Frankly, after last night, when Trump declared Obama as personally responsible for the shootings in Baton Rouge while his so-called running mate said Hillary Clinton invented ISIS, he’d be hard put to top that.

GOP convention 2016 hall-2

The thing is, the United States isn’t a democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic. The system used to work or maybe it worked the first time, but never since. The first time it became apparent that this concept wasn’t doing the job was  it was 1800, a mere 24-years after the founding of the country. It was only our second national election because George Washington was selected, not elected. Due to a glitch in the architecture of the electoral college, the Democratic-Republican candidates — Thomas Jefferson, for President and Aaron Burr for Vice President — won the same number of electoral votes.

According to History Central: 

… no one had the majority of votes, and the election was turned over to the House of Representatives. The House deliberated from February 11th to February 17th and voted 36 times. The Federalists had decided to support Burr … (and) would have won since they were the majority of the outgoing House. However, the constitution called for the election of a President by the House on a state-by-state basis. The Federalists could not carry enough states. On the 36th ballot Jefferson was selected.

That glitch got fixed in time for the next election in 1804, but twenty years later, there was a four-way election starring John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay, William H Crawford, and Andrew Jackson. The electoral vote was Jackson – 99, Adams – 84, Crawford – 41, Clay – 37. The three leading candidates went to the House of Representatives for a final decision. With a little help from media-fueled scandal, J.Q. Adams won on the first ballot of the House. After taking office, he appointed Henry Clay Secretary of State. Hmm. Nothing suspicious there.


This was the last time the House made the pick, but it wasn’t the last race to be decided outside the ballot box.

In 1876 the Democrats nominated Samuel Tilden while the Republicans nominated Rutherford B. Hayes. Tilden won the popular vote by 250,000 votes (out of approximately 2 million), but the vote was tight in South Carolina, Florida, and Louisiana. Exactly how this got resolved is complicated. Suffice to say, it was a cooperative bag job by Congress and the SJC. The final decision landed Hayes in the Oval Office and brought an end to Reconstruction. Which, coincidentally, is what the south wanted all along.

cleveland-tilden campaign poster

In the election of 1888 Grover Cleveland (incumbent Democratic President) faced Republican Benjamin Harrison. Cleveland won the popular vote, but lost the electoral vote. Harrison became President, but lost to Cleveland in a rematch four years later, making Cleveland the only president to serve two non-consecutive terms. It’s also the only “disputed” election settled by an election.

The first memorable election of my life was the tight race between Kennedy and Nixon in 1960. It was the first election I watched on TV. It went on through the night and was still undecided as the sun rose.

kennedy election posterI was 13. I liked Kennedy. He made great speeches and was cute. The electoral vote was extremely close, but Kennedy held a lead in the popular vote for the entire race. This was the first time I remember hearing everyone say (after Nixon conceded) “We should overhaul the electoral college.” I’m still waiting.

Forty years later, the Supreme Court stepped in and stopped the recount of the tightest election in our history. Just over 537 votes out of more than 6 million separated Gore and Bush. Evidence strongly suggests Gore was the true winner, but the Supreme Court called the play. Which they had — have — no authority to do. The problem is, no one else had (has) the authority to decide a disputed presidential election and no matter how many times it happens, they still haven’t made any effort to fix it. What’s a country to do?

bush-gore time mag

Not even close to the wildest. THIS one is the most totally insane and LONGEST. Ever.

There are precedents, but each is a one-off, a solution cobbled together to patch up the crack in the liberty bell. If it happens again — we can safely assume it will — a new quickie solution will be thrown together. When the Supreme Court stopped the recount in 2000 — a vote which was entirely along party lines (party lines don’t officially exist in the Supreme Court) — nothing in the Constitution gave the SJC the right to do it. But in the U.S., the Supreme Court is “the final word.” You can’t argue with the Supreme Court, can you? With no precedent for disputing the authority of the SJC, we accept it. The buck stops there. We grumble, complain, rail, and rant. But no one refuses to obey a Supreme Court ruling. It’s something to ponder while we watch another ultimately terrifying election. This has got to be the worst election ever in a supposedly democratic country.

Indeed we have had some terrible chief executives. The constitutional requirements to become president are that he or she be 35 years old, a resident of the United States for 14 years, and a natural-born Citizen (a term not defined in the Constitution). No requirement for education or experience. We are free to pick nominees from the bottom of the barrel. We are also free to pick the best and brightest — but apparently, we don’t want smart, capable people running things. In fact we hate those bright capable people. Smart people make the many stupid amongst us feel even more stupid.

You wouldn’t hire someone to mow your lawn without knowing if they can use a lawn mower, yet we are nominated a guy to become president because he has a lot of money and wants the job. Otherwise, he has no experience that would lead anyone to believe he can or should do the job. And what do you know? He was the worst president EVER and now, we are waiting in agony for everyone to agree Biden won. Tune in some day and maybe I’ll have an answer.

We seem to have survived round 1 of Trump. Let us pray we don’t have a round 2. Even if you are not a praying kind of person, make an exception for this one!

Categories: #American-history, Election, Government, Humor, Politics, Voting

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2 replies

  1. These times are beyond interesting.

    Typically – the same thing happens in Canada – we are voting to get rid of somebody – instead of voting FOR somebody.


  2. “The best and the brightest” — something still to seek.
