Last winter was warm and we got barely any snow at all. The previous winter (2018) was not quite as warm, but we only got a bit of snow. So imagine our surprise when a predicted snowstorm turned into a real snowstorm. In the two years since anyone had to shovel anything, we’ve gotten older. Our backs are worse. Garry can’t and Owen shouldn’t. The idea of me shoveling produces laughter even from The Duke.

A quick look out the side of the house

Owen had no work today. His boss called and said “Don’t bother.” He didn’t bother, but he baked a loaf of bread and a meatloaf and fed the birds twice. Garry fed the birds the third time. They eat like mad when it snows. And there were so many birds out back this morning, it was wild. Every bird in the area came. We scattered a lot of seeds on the ground because the feeders were packed with snow and they were having a hard time getting to the feed, though by the end of the day, they had dug through enough of it so Garry was able to clear them off. The squirrels did a pretty good job digging out the flat feeder and seemed to be having a really good time chasing each other up and down the trees and the steps to the deck.

Also, for the first time, I saw two red males cardinals on the deck together and they didn’t attack each other. One was much smaller than the other, so I’m guessing the the small one wasn’t yet breeding age and thus not in competition with the guy who was probably his dad.

Overall, the birds didn’t do much squabbling or banging each other off the feeders. They were hungry. We had food. Everyone got some, though one squirrel was very serious about his occupation of the flat feeder. He’s the one with the big round butt and once he dug his way through about a foot of snow to get to the seeds, nothing was going to move him, including us. We weren’t trying to move him anyway. We were just putting out more seeds. I think we went through an easy five pounds of seeds and that was just the stuff we threw out onto the snow on the deck. I ordered more seeds. We need them!

See you later!

Categories: #Birds, #Birds, #gallery, #Photography, #Squirrel, Cardinal, Wildlife, Woodpeckers

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25 replies

  1. Gambling on whether you’ll feed the bird feeder or not..

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That must have been some storm Marilyn.

    Liked by 1 person

    • We got a foot. North of Boston, they got two feet. Sometimes, depending on which direction the storm is coming from, we get more and they get little or nothing. We are in a very odd windy, watery area, so depending on literally how the winds blow, we are spared or clobbered. We got the “average” amount. I’m surprised you didn’t get it, but Minnesota didn’t get it (it went south of them), but New York got totally clobbered as did DC and Connecticut … but Maine didn’t get much, while Vermont was joyfully dumped on and the got to open all their ski areas (which may help their economy). But it was an enormous storm that hit from the Rockies to New England. Literally, across an entire continent. Previously, we’ve missed these storms and the snow has gone out to sea before climbing north. When the snow come down from Montreal, we get tons of snow. Three years ago we got three feet in one hit. That was a LOT. A foot is more or less normal for the season. I don’t LIKE it anymore, but it’s not unusual. What was unusual was last year when we didn’t get any snow!

      Liked by 2 people

      • No we didn’t get that one, thank goodness. Our daughter in Nova Scotia said she was expecting a storm so they might have gotten it….


      • That lengthy, heavy breathing from me today — indicator of how the “outside” is impacting this senior citizen. Didn’t use to be this way.


    • Leslie, it was fair – by my old TV news reporter standards. But, again, I’m thrilled to no longer be out there doing play by play. I was left heavily winded doing some minor stuff.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I have also noticed that when it snows the birds feed a lot more and the bird feeder gets quite crowded. In the rainy weather we have at the moment, they are quite scarce.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I don’t know where my replies keep vanishing. They are my own replies on my own blog, so it’s kind of weirds.

      Our birds eat tons when it snows. They avoid heavy rain, but especially in warm weather, don’t mind the light rain. Right now, though, they are HUNGRY. Really hungry.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Did you ever answer my question about Paypal? I want to buy your birdies a couple of meals.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Paypal acknowledges me, but I’m not honestly sure how it works. When I buy something from PP, they just take the money from a credit card. It’s not like it was when I was running an antique store online. So I’m not entirely sure how it works — and I’m not sure I got the question in the first place. Not only are other people’s comments vanishing, but MINE are vanishing too. Weird stuff going on.

      I have something on my bank app called Zelle where you can send money via email. I’ve never tried it. When I want to send something to someone, I just buy and it mail it using their address. It’s the simplest way to go.

      Liked by 1 person

      • If I send it to you via paypal friends and family you can use it as credit when you buy something on paypal. That’s the easiest way to go. I don’t dare send a check from Mexico.
        Should I use the email address I have for you?

        Liked by 1 person

        • It’s the only one I’ve got 🙂 The birds will appreciate you. Sometimes, when they aren’t playing hide n’ seek with me, i think they appreciate me, but then I realize — it’s all about the food. The chickadees don’t even leave the feeders when I come out to fill it. They wait on the railing and chirp. It’s like Duke and his dinner dish. I’m waiting for the squirrels to start scratching at my door!

          Liked by 2 people

  5. Brrrrr. Poor babies. So glad you are feeding them.

    Liked by 1 person